Yenny Kandarini
  • Fakultas Kedokteran


I am Yenny Kandarini, born in Badung on January 6, 1969. I am married and have 3 children. Graduated from medical education at the University of Udayanan Faculty of Medicine in 1995. Graduated from Internal Medicine Specialist Education at the Udayana University Faculty of Medicine in 2004. Obtained competency as a kidney and hypertension consultant from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in 2008. Graduated with a doctorate at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University year 2013.

Worked at Sanglah Hospital Denpasar since 2004 and a staff member of the Department of Internal Medicine. Currently, as the Coordinator of the Internal Medicine Study Program FK Unud Denpasar.

Participated in the Transplantation Transforming coruse conducted by the Indonesian Transplantation Society in Jakarta, the International Society of Periotneal Dialysis (ISPD) course in Vancouver Canada and the Transplant Preceptorship course in India.

Currently active in professional organizations such as IDI, PAPDI, PERNEFRI and ISN.