Anak Agung Gde Djaja Bharuna S
  • Fakultas Teknik


Anak Agung Gde Djaja Bharuna S, born in Denpasar, May 27, 1962, from the pair of Anak Agung Gcde Djaja Negara (deceased) with D A. Suwandri (deceased). Elementary Schools (SD I. Saraswati), Junior High Schools (SMP Negeri I) to High Schools (SMA I) were completed in Denpasar City. The Strata I level was taken in 1981 at the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Udayana University, completed in 1987. Final Project Title: Juvenile Delinquency Rehabilitation in Bali. Supervised by Ir. I Gusti Made Oka Sujadnja (late) and Ir. Ida Bagus Bachelor, and with the highest GPA: 2.80. Strata II was taken in 1995 in the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Architecture Masters Program, concentrating on Urban Design. Supervised by Prof. Dr. Aat Soeriatmadja, M.Sc; Ir.Yuswadi Saliya, M.Arc; Ir. Budi Faisal, MUD, PhD. Completed in 1998 with the title Thesis: Model of the Arrangement of Nusa Lembongan Tourism Area, Nusa Penida Islands with GPA: 3.48.

Work as an educator in the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. Young Stylist's rank / class / IIIa, as well as Associate Expert positions, and NIP. 196205271991031002, TMT: March 1991. And holds the position of Level I Administrator, rank / goal; IIId, TMT: December 2010 until now. In July 2010, he passed the Lecturer Certification Number: 101101304410, based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia, No: 287 / MJKPT / 2010 concerning Higher Education Providers of Educator Certification for Lecturers, Rector of the Institute of Technology of Ten November, declared Professional Lecturer in the field of Science Architectural Engineering. Subjects taught: Drawing Architecture 1; Architectural Drawing 2; Basics of Urban Design; Balinese Architecture III; World Architecture I; Architectural Design Studio III, and; Architectural Design Studio VI. From 2011 to 2015 trusted by the Secretary of the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University.

During the mid-2015 lecture period, he continued his Strata 3 (S3) study, as a Batch I in the Doctoral Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University with a Study Permit status.