  • Pasca Sarjana


Dr. Ir. Ngakan Made Anom Wiryasa, ST., MT., IPM. Lecturer in the Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, born 1956. Elementary to high school education in Denpasar (1963-1975). Bachelor of Engineering Education was completed at the Faculty of Engineering, Civil Department, Udayana University in 1982. During college he had received a Veterans Kids scholarship. In 1983 he was accepted as a lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. In 2001 he completed his Masters Program, at the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November Surabaya. In 2014 completed the Doctoral Program, at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University. In 1985-1986 as Secretary of the Department of Civil Engineering, FT Unud. Year 1986-1996 as Vice Dean III FT Unud. Teaching at the Faculty of Civil Engineering Study Program, Udayana University, teaching Economic Engineering, Legal Aspects of Development, Calculus, Material Technology, Material Technology Pratikum. In the Masters Program in Civil Engineering, FT Unud teaches Structural Materials Technology Course, Engineering Mathematics. In the Doctoral Program in Engineering Sciences, Philosophy of Science. In the Professional Engineer Program (PPI), teaches Case Studies; Seminars, Workshops and Discussions. Currently registered as a member of the PII Region of Bali. Registered as the owner of "ALKEN" Brand Patent Number D00.2003.7370.7447. March 19, 2003. Has been registered as the owner of COPYRIGHT No. 000107962, Date. January 1, 2018 About the book "INSTITUTIONAL SPATIAL"