• wayan.sudira@unud.ac.id
  • Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan


Becoming a lecturer started from me receiving a Decree (SK) as a Candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) in 1997, which stated that I was appointed as a Candidate for Civil Servants with a functional position as an Expert Assistant. By the Chairperson of the Study Program at that time, Mr. I Gusti Made Gede, I was placed in the Veterinary Pharmacology department, which is medicine, and initially only took Veterinary Pharmacology 1 course, then Veterinary Pharmacology 2, and finally eventually as time went by, the course that I was able to including Pharmacy and Reception which is the science of dispensing medicines and about prescribing, also Veterinary Toxicology which is the study of poisons or toxicics. At the Veterinary Professional program level, I also have the task to guide and test students who are currently taking Veterinary Professional Education (PPDH / Coordination) in the Field Work Practice (PKL) .. I also attended training on how to teach through the Application Aproach (AA) program.