I Gusti Made Suwandana
  • gungdesuwandana@unud.ac.id
  • Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis


a lecturer who is close to students and guides student activities.  after graduating college aspires to become a lecturer because want to be able to assist and guide students and student activities.  a student is like pure gold that needs to be forged and polished to become a piece of jewelry that has artistic value and added value.  with good lecturer guidance, students can be directed and developed their potential to be more optimal and can be useful for the community and at work or company after completing their education.  I am a lecturer in the faculty of economics and business at Udayana University with human resource management concentration with a passion in entrepreneurship.  This passion arises during the rapid development of globalization, students are expected to explore and develop their potential to become creative and innovative entrepreneurial figures.  so that students will quickly and swiftly recognize and take advantage of existing market opportunities.  in the future graduates not only have the desire to work in offices or companies but can create opportunities and employment for the community.