I Made Artha Wibawa
  • arthawibawa@unud.ac.id
  • Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis


My name is Artha Wibawa, but my friends call me Artha.

I was born in Denpasar, Bali in August 1979. I am 41 years old.

As the eldest son in the family, I have a responsibility to set a good example for my younger brother. I began my career as a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. and, I found that my passion was to become an educator. I decided to take a doctorate in 2011. That decision was a big decision in my life that would change everything. During difficult times, I joined to help the lecturer project. Even though it's hard, I can grow stronger. I graduated from a doctoral degree in 2015 and became a real lecturer.