Henny Rahyuda
  • hennyrahyuda@unud.ac.id
  • Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis


My name is Henny Rahyuda. I was born in Denpasar on April 20, 1973, the first child of 4 siblings. I started my education at SDN 6 Sesetan in 1979, then continued my education at SMPK Swastiastu Denpasar in 1985. After graduating from junior high school in 1988, I continued my education at SMAK Swastiastu Denpasar until 1991. Entering further education in 1992, I was admitted at the Faculty of Economics Udayana University. The course of study I chose was accounting, where at that time besides my bachelor's degree, I was also able to immediately obtain an accountant's degree in 1997. After graduating from my undergraduate degree, I continued my education in the Master of Management (MM) Program at the Faculty of Economics at Udayana University while working at a private bank until graduation in 2000.

 In 2000, there was a job vacancy as a lecturer, caused me to think about trying and taking this opportunity as my choice of work. My motivation in choosing as a "Lecturer", besides my parents also work as educators, first, I also like meeting various kinds of people who have different characteristics in this matter, of course, students, lecturers and other parties related to the education environment. These differences would of course provide a different atmosphere, perspective and mindset, so that we would always and continue to learn. Second, as an educator we would always learn, gain new knowledge, continue to develop our ability and has broad insight. Third, teaching is a work with a reward that never ends. If the knowledge we provide can be useful, then that will make others have value. Fourth, because it would be more easier for me in managing time.

In 2004 I continued my study into a doctoral degree at Airlangga University in Surabaya in the field of Management, especially Corporate Finance. I chose this because I saw that in a business, finance is an important factor that must be considered by company management, how someone is able to make decisions to be able to develop their business to be better, not just being able to calculate and make financial reports but must be able to to take the right decision for the company in terms of investment, funding and profit sharing for the owner.

After finishing my doctoral degree, I returned as the Lecturer of Faculty of Economics Udayana University, to implement the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, which are teaching, education and community service. In addition, I was also appointed as Chief Editor of the Journal of Economic Studies Bulletin in the Faculty of Economics from 2012 to March 2020. Experience as a The Chief Editor in this scientific journal gave me a lot of knowledge in writing articles, which is currently lecturers being demanded for scientific publications in international and national accredited journals.

Hopefully my service so far could enhance the world of education, especially in the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University.