Endang Wulandari Suryaningtyas
  • endangwulandari@unud.ac.id
  • Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan


    I was born in Malang, on Wednesday, May 29th, 1974, as the first child of three siblings. My two younger siblings are a boy. My parents are humble people and educated us with a strong religion, and put forward manners. We live simply and give thanks for the fortune given by God. I am quite grateful to be able to complete a Bachelor's degree (S1) at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, with a scholarship. I was educated in 1993-1997.

        My father was a private employee, and he was laid off in 1997/1998 when The Monetary Crisis happen. While my mother is a housewife who helps the family economy by making herbal medicine (jamu), ice, and knitting clothes for babies.

        Since graduating from Bachelor, I have been determined to work to help the economy of parents, therefore since graduating from S1 I have assisted the research of my Lecturers. However, my activities as a research assistant did not last long, and in 1999 I was hired to work in a shrimp pond laboratory in Sumbawa. I worked in shrimp ponds for 5 years. From the savings, I used for my Master's fees at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya in 2006-2008. Since graduating from S2, I have assisted in Lecturer research activities in the field of Biotechnology, and as a contract lecturer at Hangtuah University, Surabaya. At the University I taught Biotechnology subjects for 1 year. In 2010 I was accepted as a contract lecturer at the Aquaculture Study Program, Mataram University (Unram), Lombok. Aside from being a Lecturer at Unram, in the afternoon I taught at University 45. I lived in Mataram for 2 years, then in 2012, I was accepted as a Lecturer at the Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Udayana University until now.

        The teacher's profession inspired me. This is because I was born to a teacher's family. Both of my grandfathers, my uncle, and my aunty as teachers. From childhood, I was determined to become a teacher. And until now I love activities as a Lecturer. Being a mother for students, a mother on campus who is fussy and can't stand seeing students who smoke, are rude, and not diligent.

        Every time I teach students in the first semester, after introducing myself, discussing the Courses Contract, I always require all students (without exception) to make a "Commitment" written on a piece of paper. Commitments can be about lectures, social life, relationships in the family, worship, or anything you want to achieve or change for the better in the future. Usually, I give examples of my own commitments, such as hastening prayer five times a day, more patience with my children (if students: love more siblings and/or sisters, parents, etc.), always pray good for others (because I believe, it bounces), regular exercise, etc.

        The commitment that must be written is when they will graduate from college (written in the year). Another thing that I have to write for male students is a commitment to stop smoking or at least reduce (I'm very serious about this one). The commitment must be written seriously, honestly, and completely from the heart (not the result of glancing at the commitment of the friend sitting next to him). After completion, the paper with the commitment must be given a name, NIM, time, and signature. Then I will save the commitment paper and I will share it when they do Graduation.

        In my opinion, God is very kind to me, right now I am currently studying for my Ph.D. studies at the Faculty of Agricultural and Environment Sciences, Rostock University, Germany. All of this miracle is inseparable from colleagues in the Faculty, Head of Study Program (Dr. Pande Sasmita Julyantoro) who always encourages me, The Dean of Faculty (Prof. I Wayan Arthana) who always supports and takes his time to accompany me to meet Vice Rector IV ( Prof. Ida Bagus Wyasa Putra), and Rector of Udayana University (Prof. AA Raka Sudewi) who allowed and supported UNUD funds for my Ph.D. study. Alhamdulillah. And hopefully, I can finish my studies on time (target 2024 must graduate .. aamiin). My current research area is Parasites in Fish, but besides that, I am also interested in biotechnology, and Water Quality Management.

        I want the graduates of the Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries to be tough young generation, not give up on challenges (I prefer to talk about problems with challenges), empathy for others, polite, and especially honest.