I Gede Hendrawan (Ph.D.) is Associate Professor
and and recently as a head of Centre for Remote Sensing and Ocean Sciences (CReSOS) of Udayana University, Indonesia. He is also now as a Deputy Director of the Plastic in Indonesian Society (PISCES) funded by
UKRI-GCRF. His research activities focus on coastal and marine environment as
well as oceanographic aspects. Since 2005 Dr Hendrawan has had 50 scientific
articles published. He has extensive experience in creating and organizing
research work, either for independent or team research. Recently, Dr Hendrawan
has conducted research on Marine debris, ranging from land based sources to its
movement into the sea. Research activities on marine debris were supported by
the Indonesian government, universities and several organisations such as
Indonesian higher education, Udayana University, Australian National
University, CSIRO-Australia, Murdoch University-Australia, WWF, Systemiq,
5Gyre, UKRI-GCRF, AVFALL Norge-Norwegia, and The Sea Cleaners. In 2019, he
successfully led a research team to develop baseline data for marine debris in
Bali. He is also part of an expert team that is formulating Bali’s marine spatial
plan as well as ocean health index.