• madesarjana@unud.ac.id
  • Fakultas Pertanian


I Made Sarjana was born in Mengani Village, Bangli Regency. He is a lecturer and researcher in Udayana University. He finished primary school in his village in 1985, and continued his study in Bangli Town for junior and senior high shools. He got sarjana pertanian in Socioeconomics Department Faculty of Agricultyre Udayana University in 1997.  in 2009, he went to The Netherland for studiying master degree in MSc Programme in Leisure, Tourism, and Environment Wageningen University and Research (WUR). He finished master degree in 2011.

He worked as journalist in Bali Post Daily from 1996 to 2002.  This job as a reward of his activities on managing "Akademika" Students' press of Udayana University. Then, he got job as lecturer in Udayana University in 2002. He has main resposibilities on teaching, researching and doing social activities. Beside its, he manage a website which is owned by the center of excellent in tourism Udayana University. He wrote some popular and academic articles regularly.

He married with Ni Wayan Srinaba, S.Pd  in 1998. He has two sons that are I Putu Andriana Sastrawan (Putu Andre) and I Kadek Andriasa Sastrawijaya (Kadek Aceh). Beside working as lecturer, he also became a farmer in his village. He plants some commodities such ar rice, coffee, orange, etc.  He always try to find new things in agriculture and tourism areas  both in practices and theorities.