  • Fakultas Pertanian


I was appointed as a candidate for Civil Servants in 1986 at the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University. A year later I was appointed as a Civil Servant with the rank of Young Stylist and Expert Assistant Position. I am pursuing a career at the Faculty of Agriculture to date, starting from Groups III A to IV A. Educational history, in 1985 I completed my bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Agriculture at Udayana University and then my master's degree at Padjadjaran University in Bandung with the field of soil and water conservation, then in 2011 I continued my doctorate at Udayana University Denpasar Bali with expertise in Regional Development Planning and Development
The title of the Dissertation: "SPATIAL NUMERICAL CLASSIFICATION MODEL FOR SUSTAINABLE FARMING AREAS IN BADUNG REGENCY AND DENPASAR CITY". As long as I am a PhD student in Agricultural Science at Udayana University, I can be an interenship delegate at Chiba University of Japan for 3 months.
I teach 6 Agroecotechnology undergraduate students, namely: 1. Applied Land Physics; 2. Agrohydrology; 3. Soil and Water Conservation; 4. Watershed Management and Soil and water  Conservation; 5. Fundamentals of Soil Science; 6. Land and Water Management; 7. Land Classification and Land Suitability. The subjects that are taught in the Masters in Agriculture in Dry Land (MPLK) are: (1) Special Issues of Dry Land; (2) Management of Plant Irrigation and Nutrition, (3) Management of Soil Fertility; and (4) Conservation of Land and Water Resources; while the course taught in the Masters in Agroecotechnology Masters is only one subject, namely: Soil Fertility and Environmental Modification. Based on the results of research that I have done while I was a lecturer, there were quite a lot of numbers loaded in accredited journals, non-accredited journals, Sinta 3 journals and reputable international journals. The titles of articles published in the reputable journal Scopus Q3 are: LAND SUITABILITY FOR RICE FIELD AND CONSERVATION PLANNING IN HO WATERSHED, TABANAN REGENCY, BALI PROVINCE, INDONESIA. The number of devotion I have ever carried out has been around 50 times. My experience as a lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture has received 2 times, namely the Satya Lencana Karya Satya work safety award for 20 years and 30 years given by the Indonesian president Collaborations that have been carried out with government agencies are: Collaboration with BP DAS Unda Anyar Bali, as an Expert with the Forest Service, Experts in Jembrana Regency in discussing Spatial Planning, as the Expert Team in the DPRD of Badung Regency discussed Sustainable Food Agricultural Land (LP2B) and many others that I did not mention. From 2018 until now I have held the position of coordinator of the Agroecotechnology Bachelor Study Program at the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University.