• sandiadnyana@unud.ac.id
  • Pasca Sarjana


Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Sandi Adnyana, M.S. is a professor of soil and water conservation at the Agroecotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University (Unud). Besides that, he is also active as a lecturer in the Dry Land Agriculture Masters Program and the Agricultural Science Doctoral Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University, as well as the Masters Program and Environmental Science Doctoral Program, Postgraduate Program, Udayana University. Wayan Sandi Adnyana completed his bachelor degree at the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University (1985), master's degree at Bogor IPB (1991) and S3 at Chiba Universitry, Japan (2006). Most of his scientific fields are related to agriculture and the environment, especially on soil and water conservation, watershed management and remote sensing. In 2002 - 2010 he served as secretary of the Udayana University Center for Environmental Research (PPLH). Since 2008 he has served as Secretary of the Bali Province Watershed Forum and starting in 2011 as Deputy Chair of the Bali Soil and Water Conservation Society (MKTI). He has attended various courses, including fields of land, water, environmental impact analysis, environment and remote sensing. Research collaboration has been established with various parties. This was done in collaboration with researchers from both national and international environments, especially from Japan. Its publications are wide in the form of books, dictates, proceedings and journal articles. His writing, entitled Biophysycal Characteristics and Cropping Systems in Highland Slope Farming, was compiled with Hajime Narioka, Mastur and M.S. Medina was published in the form of the book Highland Vegetable Cultivation in Indonesia by World Planning Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. His journal articles were published in the Journal of the Japan Society of Soil Physics (Japan), Remote Sensing (Switzerland), International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences, Earth Science Research (Canada), International Journal of Climatology (Int. J. Climatol.), USA, Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, Elsevier, Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, Indonesian Agricultural Science Journal (Bogor), Journal of Human and Environment (Journal of People and Environment) Gajah Mada University (UGM), Ecothropic, Agritrop, and Environmental Journal Bumi Lestari (Unud). Together with his colleagues he compiled a book on Changes in Land Use and Environmental Carrying Capacity as well as a book on Local Wisdom in Environmental Management, published by Udayana University Press