I Ketut Ginantra
  • ketut_ginantra@unud.ac.id
  • Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam


Dr, I Ketut Ginantra, is a staff lecturer in Biology FMIPA Unud. He has been a lecturer since 2000. During his service as a lecturer, he was a member of the Program Study Program (SP4) in 2005 and subsequently in 2008 to 2012 he was trusted as the secretary of the Department of Biology FMIPA. After completing his studies at the Animal Science Doctoral Program at Udayana University, he was once again trusted to be the coordinator of the Biology  study program FMIPA. In the field of research, it has examined topics related to animal and plant interactions. Among them, food selection on timor deer, food selection on muntjak deer, diversity of flora and fauna in the mangrove area. Several studies related to deer and plant-animal diversity have been published in national and international journals. Some of them are: Diversity of Birds for Ecotourism Attractions in the Mangrove Ecosystem of Nature Conservation Putri Menjangan Forum, Buleleng Bali. in Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism. Selection of forages by Timor deer (Cervus timorensis blainville) in Menjangan Island, Bali. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.