  • Fakultas Kedokteran


Name: Nicholas Simarmata, S.Psi., M.A.

Place, date of birth: Yogyakarta, 24 September 1979


Occupation: Lecturer in Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Medicine,

Udayana University, Bali. Indonesia.

Work/Office address: Jl. PB. Sudirman. Denpasar. 80232. Bali. Indonesia

NIP: 197909242009121003

NIDN: 0024097906

Golongan: III/b

Pangkat: Penata Muda Tingkat I

Jabatan fungsional: Asisten Ahli


1.   Senior High School: De Britto College. Yogyakarta. 1996

2.   Undergraduate: Psychology Faculty. Sanata Dharma University. Yogyakarta. Indonesia. 1998 Thesis: Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction on Employee.

3.   Graduate: Master of Arts in Industrial Organizational Psychology. Psychology Faculty. Gadjah Mada University. Yogyakarta. Indonesia. 2006-2008. Thesis: Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Leader-Member Exchange with Employee Organizational Citizenship Behavior

4. Post-Graduate: Doctoral student. Majoring Industrial Organizational Psychology. Gadjah Mada University. Yogyakarta. Indonesia. 2015. Dissertation: Gotong royong.

Research Interest:

1.   Gotong Royong

2.   Organization Climate/Commitment/Communication/Culture/Justice/Effectiveness

3.   Intrapreneurship/Entrepreneurship

4.   Organizational Citizenship Behavior

5.   Emotional/Spiritual/Adversity Intelligence

6.   Psychological/Social/Subjective/ Organizational Well-being

7.   Work Engagement

8.   Crowdfunding

9.   Quotient

10.    Altruism

11.    Asertive

12.    Astra Brata Leadership

13.    Gratitude

14.    Credit Union

15.    Corporate Social Responsibility

16.    Work Discipline/Ethos

17.    Empathy

18.    Hope

19.    Hardiness

20.    Industrial Relation

21.    Integrity

22.    Health, Safety and Environment

23.    Career

24.    Happiness

25.    Employee Performance/Loyalty

26.    Competency

27.    Locus of Control

28.    Meaning of Work

29.    Knowledge/Talent Management

30.    Psychological Capital

31.    Work Motivation

32.    Optimism

33.    Virtual/Learning Organization

34.    Children/Migrant/Difable Worker

35.    Training

36.    Empowerment

37.    Followership

38.    Quality of Work-Life

39.    Resiliency

40.    Work Spirit

41.    Coping Strategy

42. Trust


Teaching Interest:

1.   Human Resource Management

2.   Organizational Behavior

3.   Organizational Change and Development

4.   Organizational Theory

5.   Research Method

6.   Organizational Psychology

7.   Positive Psychology