I Gede Budiasa was born on November 21`st 1956 at Bungkulan Buleleng and is a B.A. Graduate , an S-1(Drs.) graduate of English Department, Faculty. of Letters, Udayana University (1980, 1982), a Graduate Dip. TEFL in the University of Sydney, N.S.W. Australia (1988) and an M.A. graduate of E.L.S., Faculty of Postgraduate, Hasanuddin University, Ujung Pandang (1991). He was then appointed as state Lecturer since March 1st 1983. in the Faculty of Letters, Udayana University and is currently Lektor Kepala 550 , Pembina Tk. I, IV/B. At the moment he is in charge of teaching English Grammar and Phonetics & Phonemics as well as English Micro Skills : Listening and Writing. His main research interests include Grammar, Phonology and Language Use in particular English, Indonesian and Balinese.