• dharma_laksana@unud.ac.id
  • Fakultas Hukum


I Gusti Ngurah Dharma Laksana. In 2009, he became a Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Udayana University, serving as Secretary of Research and Dedication of the Faculty of Law of Udayana University from 2014 to 2019. Research experiences that have been carried out include: Notary / PPAT and BPN Contributions in Land Disputes Specifically for Customary Land in Bali ” (2012), Border Conflict of Pakraman Village in the Perspective of Economic Value of Land and Its Settlement (2013), Meaning of Youth Oath as the Unifier of the Nation among Today's Young Generation (2014), Implementation of Pancasila Values ​​as Ethical Norms in National Life, Nation, and Youth Unity Community (2014), Implementation Model of Share Farming Agreement of Customary Land in Bali (A Study on Indigenous People's Legal Culture) (2019).