The Quality of Public Service in Improving Good Governance and Public Satisfaction
16/06/2020 Views : 594
I Gst. Ayu Kt. Giantari
The advancement of information technology in the globalization era has led to the specified development of all parties with the main purpose to improve welfare. Fulfilling the needs of the people for food, clothing, and shelter is one of the government’s main priorities in achieving their vision and missions. The empowerment of human resources is very important in order to produce people who are independent, competent, and strongly uphold the national philosophy. Towards this goal, a system to manage the governance and public service is needed.
Good public service is something the people greatly wish for. To be able to claim their rights and fulfill their obligations are matters which should be managed well by the government. Public services, such as the population administration, healthcare administration, wealth management, education, and many more, must be provided optimally without regulations that may potentially burden the people. Therefore, the synergy of the stakeholders is needed in order to achieve good government and provide satisfying public services to the people.
Based on the information quoted from (06/09/2019), Bali Province is categorized as a province with good public service in Indonesia. This is also proven by the results of a survey conducted by Ombudsman Republik Indonesia (ORI) in 2016, in which Bali Province is ranked 8th among 33 provinces. The survey evaluated the compliance of the public service to the prevailing service standards. This survey was conducted from the year 2015 until 2019. It was also shown that among the 9 regencies/ cities, 8 were considered green zones, which means that there was a high level of compliance towards the service standards.
The second survey was regarding the maladministration perception index. This survey had a purpose to obtain primary data directly from the service users by mapping the maladministration level in basic public services. The results showed that in 2017, among the 11 selected provinces, Bali obtained the lowest maladministration perception index. This means that the people in Bali have a good impression regarding the public services and were also well informed regarding the service standards. This achievement is certainly a feat the Government of Bali Province can be proud of, because they were able to provide optimal services to the people.
The survey results showed that the public services provided by the Government of Bali Province have been operated well. However, this does not mean that the issues related to governance and public service are non-existence. There are still many administrative and population issues faced in several regions in Bali Province. The information quoted from on the 31st of October 2019 explained that the branch of Ombudman RI in Bali received reports related to the public services and found that there are overlapping authorities and differences in the population administration requirements of the official village and the customary village, which lead to the suspicion of maladministration. These issues were not consistent with the results of survey conducted previously by Ombudsman RI, as this issue was deemed as the greatest population administration issue.
Investigated in more depth, this issue started since the population data collection at the wewidangan of the customary/official village. The people found it difficult to complete their population administration, as the customary village was unwilling to provide them any recommendation letter, leading to the inability of the official village to continue the populaion administration procedure. In addition, the issue regarding the initial fee to become a citizen (penanjung batu) was also among the issues reported by the people to the Illegal Levies Eradication Unit Post or the Posko Unit Pemberantasan Pungli (UPP) of Bali Province (
According to the review conducted by the branch of Ombudsman RI in Bali, this issue was caused by five factors. First, there were insufficient budget and human resources in the official village to complete the data collection of new citizens. Second, the mechanism or procedure of the population administration were incoherent. Third, the low awareness of the immigrants to report their immigration. Fourth, the unavailability of clear procedures to report issues related to population administration. Fifth, the unavailability of technical policies that govern the population administration process between the customary village and official village (, accessed on the 1st of February, 2020).
This phenomena is related to the government governance and public service. This problem has indirectly influenced the people’s level of satisfaction towards the public services. The government of Bali Province, as the pilot that governs the government system, governance, and public services in the Province, must proactively supervise the bureaucracy process in each authoritation level. Starting from the customary village, official village, sub-district, district, regency/city, until the province. They should also be directly involved in the inspection of the problems occuring in the society and provide solutions to these problems. This must be done because the customary village and the official village government are unable to solve these issues by themselves. The involvement of the provincial government of Bali as well as the stakeholders is greatly needed to overcome the issues faced by the local citizens and the imigrants. The synergy between the stakeholders is re-emphasized as this would greatly help the Provincial Government of Bali to achieve their vision and missions, which is also known as Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali.
Public service is one of the key factors that can influence public satisfaction. This is in line with the statements made by several researchers, among others: Setyawati et al..(2018), Gunadi et al. (2015), Rezha et al. (2013), Lanin dan Hermanto (2018), Yang (2018). Rezha et al. (2013) explained that service quality, which is measured using 5 indicators, namely physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy, simultaneously has a positive and significant influence on the satisfaction of people who experienced the e-KTP registration service. The study conducted by Lanin and Hermanto (2019) revealed that service quality has a positive and significant influence on the public satisfaction for services provided by the local governments in Indonesia.
List of References
Gunadi, Irawan, A., Ratnasari, S. L., & Wibisono, C. (2015). Kualitas Pelayanan Sebagai Variabel Intervening Antara Kompetensi Pegawai Dan Budaya Kerja Terhadap Kepuasan Mitra Di Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu Badan Pengusahaan Kawasan Perdagangan Bebas Dan Pelabuhan Bebas Batam. Jurnal Akuntansi, Ekonomi dan Manajemen Bisnis.3(1), 56–65. Retrieved from
Lanin, D., & Hermanto, N. (2019). The effect of service quality toward public satisfaction and public trust on local government in Indonesia. International Journal of Social Economics, 46(3), 377–392.
Rezha, F., Rochmah, S., & Siswidiyanto. (2013). Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Terhadap Kepuasan Masyarakat (Studi tentang Pelayanan Perekaman Kartu Tanda Penduduk Elektronik (e-KTP) di Kota Depok). Jurnal Administrasi Publik, 1(5), 981–990.
Yang, Y. (2018). Is transparency a double-edged sword in citizen satisfaction with public service? Evidence from China’s public healthcare. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 28(4), 484–506.