24/06/2020 Views : 557
Wayan Gede Supartha
I Wayan Gede Supartha1
of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia
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The banking sector, especially the Rural
Credit Bank (BPR) was affected by Covid-19 in the form of a decline in
financial transaction activities. In Badung Regency and Denpasar City, which is
65 BPR. From the operational side, the main problem faced by BPR in New Normal
is to continue to provide excellent service (face to face) and the call to Work
in Office with strict health protocols by the Government of Indonesia. In this
regard, BPR responds to this by: reducing working hours, adding self-protection
tools (PPE), implementing occupational health protocols, physical distancing,
increasing immunity, providing hand sanitaizers, masks, prioritizing customer interests,
and employee safety, improving behavior wise, increase politeness and do not
like to complain to keep providing excellent service.
From the aspect of work motivation, organizations are
required to provide higher rewards to employees, as compensation for work risks
in providing face to face services. From the aspect of the role of extra
employees or Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), employees have not been
able to fully put the interests of others, behave wisely and complain. From the
aspect of individual employee performance, timeliness, cooperation and work
performance have not been maximally implemented.
Work motivation is a process that describes the
strength, direction and perseverance of a person in achieving goals, so as to
realize the goals set (Robbins and Judge, 2015). Siroos and Asghar (2014) states that motivation significantly influences
employee performance. Likewise Nurun et. al. (2017) states that work motivation
has a significant effect on employee performance. Whereas Hue et. al (2014) and
Noermijati (2015) stated, motivation does not significantly influence employee
Extra role behaviors outside of the job description,
called Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) are also able to affect
performance effectively (Podssakoff et al. 2000). OCB contributes to
performance improvement and strengthens the ability of organizations to adapt
effectively (Podssakoff et al., 2000). Thus OCB is an extra employee role
behavior that positively impacts employee and organizational performance (BPR).
The linkage of work motivation to OCB was investigated by Khadija et. al
(2014), Moradi (2015) which states that work motivation has a significant
effect on OCB. Whereas Hue et. al. (2014) states, work motivation does not have
a significant effect on OCB. Thus, it needs to be discussed about "The
Role of Extra Employees of Rural Credit Bank (BPR) in the New Normal Period in
The concept of motivation is used to explain the desire to behave, direction or choice, intensity or effort, ongoing, and completion or actual work performance (Pintrich, 2002). Motivation is an ongoing process of individual efforts towards achieving the goals and objectives of an organization (Robbins and Judge, 2015). Whereas Luthans (2011) explains that there are two motivations namely intrinsic and extrinsic which are able to encourage someone to achieve satisfaction in working.
Role or Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
et. al. (2009) defines OCB as individual behavior that contributes to the
creation of organizational effectiveness. Whereas Shweta and Sriarang (2009)
states that OCB is characterized by efforts in any form that are carried out
based on employee discretion that provides benefits to the organization without
expecting anything in return. Rastgar et. al. (2014) explained that employees
who engage in extra behavior, surely their performance will increase.
Organizational Citizenship Behavior can be interpreted as the behavior /
attitudes of workers who exceed their formal role. Organ (1990) developed OCB
with five dimensions, namely: altruism, civic vertue, conscientiousness,
courtesy and sportsmanship.
Performance is the quality and quantity of work achieved by an employee
in carrying out their duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to
him (Robbins and Judge, 2015). According to Luthans (2011) performance is a
measure of the personnel department regarding employee performance or
performance. For this reason, employee performance consists of: employee
behavior in carrying out their work and work targets that must be achieved
according to organizational targets (Borman and Motowidlo, 1993). There are
several criteria for measuring individual employee performance, including;
quality, quantity, timeliness, effectiveness, independence and work commitment.
In this study employee performance was measured using a combination of
Bernardin and Russel (2002) indicators with Luthans (2011) measurement
indicators, namely: quality, quantity, time, attendance and cooperation.
1) Description of Respondents' Answers
on respondents' answers to work motivation variables, the mean value of
motivation variables was 2.98. This means that the majority of respondents
perceive the work motivation of employees at BPR in Badung Regency and Denpasar
City is sufficient.
Based on respondents'
answers to the variable organizational citizenship behavior obtained an average
value of 3.04 means that the majority of respondents perceive OCB in BPRs in
Badung Regency and Denpasar City sufficiently. Based on the assessment of respondents
shows that the indicator of attitude do not like to complain / sportmanship has
the highest average score of 3.22 and is in the sufficient category.
Based on respondents' answers to employee performance variables, the average value of 2.95 was obtained, meaning that majority of respondents perceived employee performance at BPRs in Badung Regency and Denpasar City sufficiently. Based on the assessment of respondents showed that the indicator of cooperation has the highest average score of 3.22, while the indicator of the quantity of work has the lowest average score of 2.66.
2) Effect of Exogenous Variables
Based on
the value of the path coefficient and t-statistic values indicate that there is
a positive and significant influence of the variable work motivation on
employee performance. This means that the better the work motivation, the
employee's performance will also increase. Based on the value of the path
coefficient and the t-statistic value shows that there is a positive and
significant influence of OCB variables on employee performance. Based on the
value of the path coefficient and the t-statistic value shows that there is a
positive and significant influence of the work motivation variable on OCB. This
means that the better the work motivation, the better OCB will be. Based on the
value of the path coefficient and the t-statistic value shows that there is a
positive and significant influence of OCB variables in mediating the effect of
work motivation on employee performance. This means that the better the work
motivation and OCB, the employee's performance will increase.
Based on the discussion,
the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. Work motivation has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance.
2. Organization citizenship behavior (OCB) has a
positive and significant effect on employee performance.
3. Work motivation has a positive and
significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB).
4. Organization
citizenship behavior (OCB) mediates the effect of work motivation on employee
performance positively and significantly. This means increasing work motivation
and Organization citizenship behavior (OCB), so the performance of employees at
BPR in Badung Regency and Denpasar City is increasing.
1. Work motivation variable.
All work motivation
indicators need to be improved, namely items: work environment, compensation,
occupational health equipment, occupational health operational standards,
relationships with colleagues, BPR policies in providing services and performance
appraisals, encouragement for achievement, encouragement for self-recognition,
encouragement to provide excellent service, responsible, career development.
2. OCB Variable
All OCB indicators need to
be improved, namely items: putting the interests of others first, wise
behavior, caution, courtesy and complaining
3. Employee Performance Variables
All employee performance
indicators need to be improved, namely items: mastering the task area, doing
work effectively, reaching work volume, managing work priorities, completing
work on time, working hours according to the rules and completing assignments
before time ends.
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