Exercises in the New Normal for Stay Healthty and Safety

30/07/2020 Views : 722


Pandemic Covid-19 has an impact on all aspects of life. Everyone should adjust to the new situation as a new normal in our life. The goal is to keep us healthy and safe during our activities and remain productive. One form of recommended activity is to do exercise regularly. 

The Health Protocol recommended us to stay at home, therefore the safe exercise is exercise at home. Many aerobic and anaerobic exercises can be done at home such as gymnastics, walking back and forth, up and downstairs, and if possible can use static bicycles or treadmill. 

However, at this time, along with starting a new era of life, the sport began to be done outside the home either walking, running, riding a bicycle, or other activities. It is means there are chances of interaction with each other and increasing potency to diseases infection including the virus.  

To face this situation, the outside exercises not just for healthy, but must be done in safety. For the reason, whatever sport is done, if outside the home must follow the health protocol that is to bring personal equipment, keep a distance, wash your hands with soap in water flow or use a hand sanitizer.

The phenomenon that appears recently is that sports are carried out while meeting friends, relatives, or the community. So while exercising also socialize. Exercise is good and is carried out according to the recommended intensity, but what should not be forgotten is the health protocol, which is to keep your distance and keep from direct contact. Both recommended health protocol is forgotten. When we meet each other, communication and interaction will do such as greeting and conversations. In that case, the face mask is opened and getting closer and sometimes do direct contact. This phenomenon sometimes is forgotten while exercise outside and gathering with our friends.

The purpose of the exercise is to stay healthy and fit, so that the body's immunity remains good to prevent various diseases, including viruses. If sport is used as a medium to keep in touch with friends, relatives, and community, then you should not forget the health protocol. Regarding the goal of exercise and social, don’t forget to wear a mask, or keep your distance.

When exercising such as walking, running or cycling is recommended to maintain a minimum distance. If the distance is less and also forgets to use a mask, then the risk of getting a splash from someone else is even greater. This needs to get the attention of all those who do sports.

What about using masks when you exercise? Of course, it is recommended to use a mask. Therefore, choose a mask that is comfortable to wear for a long time. In addition, avoid doing heavy sports activities, because it requires more oxygen, while the outflow of air is not optimal because it uses a mask.

Therefore, while exercising outside the home must still implement health protocols, even if alone, especially with friends and in a crowded place. Certainly returning to the purpose of sport is to keep the body healthy and fit.

Interacting with others is another thing that can still be done throughout the health protocol. So, let's exercise to be healthy so as to avoid various diseases including Covid-19.