Purple Sweet Potato as Natural Medicines For Healthy Family
29/05/2020 Views : 1064
Purple sweet potato
(Ipomoea batatas) is a useful tuber plant, especially from the bulging roots
called tubers. Potatoes are white, red or
purple. Potatoes that have purple
tubers are starting to be in high demand by consumers because they have good
nutritional composition and have certain physiological functions for health.
The purple color in the purple sweet potato
tuber is caused by the anthocyanin
compounds in the purple sweet potato tuber. Anthocyanin is a pigment found in
the tuber of purple sweet potato which is thought to have antioxidant
properties 2-3 times higher than some varieties of "blueberries".
Anthocyanins in purple sweet potato tubers have a high stability compared to
anthocyanins from other sources so that they are chosen as antioxidants and
alternative natural dyes.
Purple sweet potato is also a food ingredient
as a source of carbohydrates and a source of calories which is quite high
(80-85%). Purple sweet potato also contains lysine, Cu, Mg, K, Zn on average
20%. Other content that is in purple sweet potato is protein, fat, crude fiber
and ash. In addition, purple sweet potato is also a source of vitamins and minerals,
vitamins contained in purple sweet potato include vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamin
(vitamin B1), and riboflavin. While the mineral content in purple sweet potato
include iron (Fe), phosphorus (P), and calcium (Ca).
Anthocyanin in purple sweet potato is one of
the flavonoids that is suspected to play a role in maintaining health through
its efficacy as an antioxidant both directly and indirectly. Anthocyanins are
derived from the Greek antos (flower) and cyanos (blue), which are active
ingredients in plants which are grouped into flavonoids. Anthocyanins are
compounds that play a role in giving the red, purple, and blue colors to flower
petals, bulbs and fruit. As glycosides, all anthocyanins are soluble in water
and insoluble in organic solvents. Anthocyanins can be precipitated from their
solution as lead salts that are blue, which dissolve in glacial acetic acid to
produce a deep red color. Of the three main types of anthocyanidins namely
pelargonidin, cyanidin and delfinidin, all are hydroxylated at positions 3.5
and 7. While the individual differences between anthocyanin compounds lie in
the position of the glycosyl groups (sugar residues) in their molecules.
In vitro studies with the small intestine of
mice found that the absorption of anthocyanin (cyanidin 3-glicoside) occurs
best in the smallest jejunal region of the duodenum. Anthocyanin uptake almost
does not occur in the ileum and colon. Several other studies have found that
absorption of anthocyanins in the small intestine varies greatly. It is
estimated that after oral administration only 0.1% is absorbed, but other researchers
report reaching 13-22% of the dose given. The mechanism of anthocyanin
absorption in the gastrointestinal tract is suspected through
glucosetransporter or Na dependent glucosecotransporter.
Research examining anthocyanin levels in
certain tissues has proven that cyanidin-glicoside, one of anthocyanins, can
penetrate the blood brain barrier so that it can be detected in brain tissue.
Cyanidin-glicoside can also penetrate eye tissue so that it can be found in the
eyes of mice and rabbits. Partial metabolism of glycosides occurs in the
intestine to methylated glycoside and glucuroconjugated. This is evident from
the discovery of these two forms in plasma after administration of anthocyanin.
Besides in the intestine the process of anthocyanin metabolism also occurs in
the liver / liver. In the heart there will be a methylation process carried out
by the enzyme catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT). The main metabolic product
in the liver from anthocyanin is a form of methylation of anthocyanin which
will then be excreted through bile.
The Role of Purple Sweet Potato Tuber for Healthy Families
Based on invitro research on cell-lines,
animal studies and clinical trials, anthocyanins from purple sweet potato
tubers, have powerful antioxidant properties along with anti-inflammatory
effects. Another biological effect of anthocyanin that has been widely studied
is its ability to prevent the emergence of various chronic diseases such as
cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. These biological effects occur
because of the strong antioxidant effect of anthocyanins. The mechanism of the
antioxidant effect of anthocyanins is suspected in several ways namely; as a
free radical scavenger, forming chelates with metals, binding to proteins and
other unknown mechanisms. Free radicals or reactive oxygen compounds such as
hydroxyl radicals, peroxyl radicals and superoxid anions, are compounds that
are always formed as a result of metabolic reactions in living organisms. Under
normal circumstances these reactive oxygen compounds will be neutralized by
endogenous antioxidants consisting of; superoxid dismutase, glutathione
peroxidase and other enzymes so that there is no damage due to oxidative
reactions. When oxidative stress occurs where free radicals are very high
beyond the ability of endogenous antioxidants, oxidative damage will occur with
all the consequences, and various diseases arise. Exogenous antioxidants can
prevent oxidative stress thus preventing damage to various cell components.
Anthocyanin, which is one of the flavonoids,
can capture free radicals with a much stronger ability than vitamin E.
Anthocyanin has different abilities in capturing various types of free
radicals. The difference in the ability to capture free radicals is determined
by the wake formula of each anthocyanin. Anthocyanins which have the ability to
capture the most powerful free radicals in vitro are cyanidin (found in purple
sweet potato tubers) and the weakest is pelargonidin. The general mechanism of
anthocyanins neutralizing free radicals is by donating H atoms from phenolic
hydrogen so that free radicals become stable, and anthocyanin itself will
become free radicals but far more stable than neutralized free radicals.
Anthocyanidin is more effective as an antioxidant than anthocyanin, because
what acts as an antioxidant is the form of aglycon which is owned by
Antioxidant effects of anthocyanins can cause
effects on health, among others; prevent cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular
disease that is dangerous is the occurrence of atherosclerosis, causing
abnormalities in certain organs. The process of atherosclerosis begins with
oxidative stress, which causes LDL oxidation which will stimulate macrophage
accumulation, thus initiating the inflammatory process and atherosclerosis.
Anthocyanin can inhibit the LDL oxidation process so that it inhibits
atherosclerosis. In addition to the antioxidant effects of anthocyanins can
also cause other pharmacological effects such as: stabilizing collagen, maintaining
capillary permeability, anti-inflammatory, reducing blood sugar levels,
affecting cholesterol metabolism, anti-platelet aggregation and can cause
relaxation of smooth muscle of blood vessels so that it can be used as an
antihypertensive agent.
The efficacy of pholyphenol / flavonoid as an
antihypertension occurs through various mechanisms, namely increasing nitric
oxid (NO) which is a vasodilator. The increase in NO due to administration of
cyanidine 3-glycoside occurs due to increased eNOS (enzyme that synthesizes NO)
and the presence of phosphorylation regulation from eNOS.
From the description above it can be concluded
that purple sweet potato tubers can overcome family health problems such as
hypertension, atherosclerosis which will cause heart attacks and strokes as
well as antioxidants so that they are healthier in general. Good luck