30/06/2020 Views : 370



Work from home (WFH), is a sentence that has been popular in the community during the current covid-19 pandemic . WFH or in everyday language is bekerja dari rumah, meaning a daily situation different from the habit that we work in an office outside the home such as teaching and axamination in front of students in campus or work serving consumers in certain companies.

A concrete example of activities that really can be done from home was give lecture with online method. That is mean through the application of information technology such as zoom or webex ; lecturers who stay at home can communicate through computer screens with all students who are also in their respective homes, as long as they are equipped with the necessary equipment.

Nowadays in times of pandemic situation, we accustomed with health habits protocol such as frequent hand washing with soap, wearing face masks, avoiding physical contact to other person when outside the home. Beside that an alternative behavior such work from home by utilizing technology information equipment is recommended by the government.

Maintain physical fitness

To counteract the corona virus infection, in addition to apply health protocol as mentioned earlier, an attempt to increase and keep the body immune system are needed to be constantly pursued. Immunity is the body's own ability to fight viruses that are of course unknowingly exposed to the body, so we don't get sick. In addition to immunity, physical fitness is another body condition that plays a very important role in supporting immunity. The fitter somebody, the greater the body's ability to defended health from viruses.

Usually when working in an office there are some activities to walk, climb stairs or walking to other place or office. And maybe there is also a joint sports among the office employee.  While everyday work from home will reduce the daily activities that usually perform before pandemic.

To maintain physical fitness, physical exercise is the most common method to continually perform proportionally.

Sports dose

Such a sick person that take a drug or pill , there are also dose in exercise. For example 500 mg of antibiotic takethree times a day. As for sports or exercise  to maintain or increase physical fitness there are also specific dose. The dose is in term was called FITT abbreviation. What is that?

The letter F (the first letter) is an abbreviation of Frequency, which is how many times do you exercise a week? From the results of the many experts experience it is needed to exercise 3-5 times a week. So no need to exercise every day. 

The second letter I stands for Intensity. Intensity is the severity of exercise. Heart rate per minute (pulse on the wrist)  due to  exercise reflects the intensity of exercise. Each age of an individual is related to their ability to perform exercise. It is also related to their sex, male or female. 

In order not to endanger for health, the maximum heart rate due to exercise there are formula for man is 220 reduced age. While for women 200 reduced by age rather lower than man. The optimum range of heart rate due to exercise are between 60-70% of maximum heart rate of each individual. An example as follows; A healthy men aged 50 years old got exercise and his maximal heart rate are 220-50 = 170. His optimal heart rate minimally when exercising is 60/100 x 170 = 102 beats per minute. This means that the intensity of exercise is enough and able to increase physical fitness, although at minimal range. Normal resting heart rate is  between 60-90 beats / minute.

The third letter T stands for tempo or time.  Its meant is how long the exercise is perform with the useful intensity. Usually time of exercise are between 30 minutes to 60 minutes.

The fourth letter T is Type. What type of sport is done ; for example cycling, running, walking, jogging, swimming, playing tennis and other types.

Sports at home

Actually, if you think that exercise has become a necessity, then the intention to do it will appear by itself. Aware of the need to maintain body immunity in the current pandemic , WFH must be accompanied by exercising at home or around the house. The type of exercise done in accordance with pleasure such as heart healthy exercise or ORHIBA or jogging in the morning around the house or the road in the front road of the house. The intensity of the sport is enough to calculate the frequency of the pulse. Exercise for 30 minutes is enough and not necessary every day. Do not also forget before exercise requires warming up in the form of light movements and stretches. Also when you have finished exercising, do not forget to end it with cooling in the form of slow and mild movements.

Enjoy working from home and enjoy exercising. Hopefully stay healthy and immune to covid-19 virus.