29/06/2020 Views : 530

Made Subawa


1.              Background

Settings on the basis of the State, the form of state, form of government, state code (law) , the character of democracy, system administration and the things that are more fundamental. The 1945 Constitution both before the amendment and after the amendment according to the writer's understanding has not clearly stipulated this matter. In regard to national and state life law in Indonesia Bung Karno had put the " Pancasila as Filosophisce Grongslag " Pancasila as the foundation of basic philosophy above which built the nation and the State of Indonesia. This principle is not yet understood with both at the level of the concept and at the level of practice. In order to conduct a study that is fundamental towards the character of the Pancasila legal state in Indonesia , the principle of Pancasila as the foundation of the State that gave birth to two very basic principles in Indonesia is to be studied seriously . The two principles in question are:

1). Pancasila Rule of Law; and

2). Principles of Pancasila Democracy.

2.              Formulation of the problem

Based on the thoughts expressed in the background above, the problem can then be formulated :

a.      What is the Presidential system in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia?

b.      How is the concept of Strengthening the Presidential system based on the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia

3.              Objectives and benefits

a.      The study in this paper aims to get the concept of thinking that the importance of affirmation in the sense of the regulation " Presidential System in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia".

b.      Based on the firmness of the regulation of the Presidential system in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the author's thought would be useful in strengthening the Presidential Government system in practice.



1.              Arrangement of Presidential System in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia

Read, understand and follow the history of the enactment of the 1945 Constitution prior to the Presidential Decree of July 5, 1959, after the Presidential Decree and Post Amendments I, II, III, and IV there has been no explicit regulation regarding the Presidential system. System concept Presidential: President chosen by citizen, Definitely presidential term is now 5 years and can only be selected once again, the strong position of the President, vice-President of the spare tire, and Ministers are assistants to the President. According to the opinion of the author of the presidential system writers who were embraced in Indonesia should have a character or identity that was born from the spirit of Pancasila Legal Philosophy . For the purposes to study of the affirmation and strengthening of the Presidential system in the State of Law based on Pancasila ,  then began a review of Pancasila as:

a.      State Administration Law ( in the layer of Pancasila Law ) .

b.      Basic State of Pancasila.

The study of Pancasila as an ideological formula on the basis of the state is outlined in the 1945 Constitution (AMWPranarka, 1985: p. 320). The status of Pancasila as the basis of the country has been widely discussed, including:

1) . In his speech Notonagoro entitled: A Few Things Regarding Philosophy

Pancasila, argues that Pancasila is: Staatfundamentalnorm. ( Notonagoro, 1970: p.20);

2) . A. Hamid S. Attamimi in a paper entitled: Pancasila Cita Hukum dalam

        The Legal Life of the Indonesian Nation (1991);

3). Bung Karno in his speech said; that Pancasila as

      "Philosophische Grondslag" or the basic philosophy of the mind as deep as-

       therein for which Indonesia was established. (Kirdi Dipoyudo, 1984: p.10)

The study foundations and perspectives used for the three sources above vary, but the studies needed are appropriate studies in placing Pancasila as the basis of the state and the Republic of Indonesia's Constitutional Law. Excerpted from the writings of Philipus M. Hadjon, Pancasila as the basis of the state and state administration law, According to AMWPranarka explained there are three stages of the evolution of the status of Pancasila.

1.      National ideology regarding the basis of the state (BPUPKI);

2.      The ideology of nationality was set out as the basis of the state in the constitution (18 August 1945);

3.      Critical phase, in this critical phase there is an exploitation of the status of Pancasila as the basis of the state, the source of law and national ideology ( AMWPranarka, 1985: p.320,321).

From the above explanation about the position of Pancasila as the country's basis can be detailed as follows:

1.              Bung Karno: Saying Pancasila as "Philosophische Grondslag".

2.              Notonagoro: Expressing Pancasila as "Staats Fundamental Norm".

3.              A.Hamid.S.Attamimi: Stating aside as Staatsfundamental norm " or" Grund Norm "and Pancasila is " Rechtsidee ".

Strengthening the Presidential System in Indonesia

a.      Simplification of the party system, ideally in the Presidential system 2 of political parties .

b.      Confirmation of presidential system regulation in the 1945 Constitution Articles.

c.       The president is directly elected by the people.

d.      The formation of a law is examined in depth in the pattern adopted, whether each bill is discussed by the DPR, DPD and the President for mutual agreement, or gives a "veto right" to the President.

e.      Examined in depth about the position of the President, Vice President and State Ministers in the Presidential Government system.

f.        What is the nature of the authorities and responsibilities of the President, Vice President and ministers in the Indonesian Presidential Government system.



1.              Conclusion

a.      The Constitution of Republic Indonesia years 1945 has not been set in its Articles firmly and surely on "Presidential System".

b.      Strengthening the "Presidential system" in Indonesia is carried out decisively through regulation in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia concerning :

1). The regulation of Pancasila as the basis of the Indonesian Law State.

2). Strict regulation of "Presidential Systems".

3). Simplification of political parties in two.

4). The concept of the President's position is strong in the Presidential system.

5). Position and relationship of the President with the Vice President and Ministers of state in the Presidential system.

2.              Suggestions - advice

Looking ahead to do the Affirmation and the strengthening of the system of state administration in Indonesia , especially the affirmation and strengthening of the system of Presidential based basic Pancasila state and idea state such as explicit and implicit in the Preamble of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945, according to savers author's thoughts are very important set The Presidential system correctly in the Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945. Therefore, the steps that can be taken are through refinement of the basic rules in the 1945 Constitution , especially the affirmation and strengthening of the Presidential system in the 5th amendment 1945 Constitution .






1.              Pancasila

2.              The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia

3.              Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning Formation of Regulations and Regulations

4.              Yuridika, No.5 & 6 Year XII, Sep-Dec 1997

5.              Attamimi , A . Hamid S., Pancasila Legal Aspects in the Legal Life of the Indonesian Nation, 1991.

6.              Dipoyudo Kirdi., Pancasila and Their Implementation, 3rd Cet of the Proclamation Foundation. 1984.

7.              Philipus M Hadjon., Pancasila as the basis of the state and the State Administration Law, 1998.

8.              Made Subawa., Actualization of Legal Philosophy in Forming Laws, 2009.

9.              Notonagoro. , Some Matters Regarding the Pancasila Philosophy, Speech1967.

10.         Phlipus M. Hadjon and Tatiek Sri Djatmiati, Legal Arguments, Gajah Mada University Press, 2005