The Devide ofthe World
27/06/2020 Views : 643
I Gst. Pt. Bagus Suka Arjawa
The Devide of the World
By: GPB Suka Arjawa
Many have expressed the vigilance of the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. This opinion arises due to the fact that there is a violent clash between human attitudes with the nature (and resilience) of the corona virus. Both individuals, groups and countries have a very diverse way of responding to this truly formidable virus. Though facing corona that can breed and be intelligent (and cunning?) Must be done with the same joint attitude. Not only personal, but all humanity, all the world, all human beings on this earth. Failing to equalize that attitude, it is sure to fail to meet it and a second wave will occur, maybe another wave with increased strength and intelligence of the virus. Only nature can deal with it later.
Seacara political countries in the world have a divided attitude in dealing with Covid-19. Brazil and the United States seem less serious about it. The President of Brazil is said to have the opinion that economic destruction will be far greater when compared with the handling of the virus. As a result in this country victims fell to hundreds of thousands, number two in the world. In the United States, it is said that there is an opinion that groups of people over 60 years old or those considered to be old, are responsible for their own behavior if they have corona. This opinion appears to be caused by the value of human freedom must be protected, the economy must run and the young generation will be strong in the face of this disaster. The country is listed as the holder of the highest number of victims in the world who died due to kovid.
In Europe, a group of people prancing down onto the streets expressed protest in the name of freedom. Humans are considered to have freedom and take responsibility for themselves. Maybe this value also appears in Bali. If we pay closer attention, the remaining foreign tourists live in Bali, most of whom do not wear masks when going out onto the highway. They allow themselves to be like that, which may be based on the value of freedom. However, this is still dangerous because it can interfere with other people if the person concerned turns out to be infected and has touched the surface of the object. Why aren't the officers cracking down?
In the fractional countries of Yugoslavia, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Montenegro, a tennis exhibition was held between the world's top tennis players. This event is held every week on weekends. Thousands of spectators present in the stands without wearing masks, ball collectors, and of course the tennis player himself. This program can be watched from Indonesia through certain pay television channels. Perhaps politically, this organized exhibition of the exhibition was important to restore the stability of the region. These new countries fought each other three decades ago to achieve their independence when they broke out from Yugoslavia. However, the moment and the organizing were wrong. Kovid-19 is still spreading and as a result, Novac Jukovic, the world number one from Serbia is exposed to the corona virus. Likewise with other tennis players and spectators. Many criticisms later emerged to the world tennis player. One mentioned as a popular person in the universe, Jukovic should be able to give an example to the world about how to maintain health.
In Indonesia there are certain groups who do not want to be examined for rapid tests solely because they feel healthy, despite carrying out previous demonstrations. Imagine, there is a group that is willing to hold a demonstration in the middle of kovid which is so rampant in Indonesia. And why this is left.
What happened at a hospital in Tabanan? One report mentioned that there were asymptomatic patients who moved from government hospitals to private hospitals. The patient concerned hides his condition. What followed was a number of health workers and visitors visiting the area who were exposed to this deadly disease. It is conceivable, how many people are exposed to continued exposure and how many people have to bother with this attitude.
So, it is these different attitudes that then make this corona dance, happy, able to learn, and state the art of their lives in the human body, to further destroy the values that exist in the social life of society. Not only in Indonesia but throughout the world.
Politically, this is the weakness of the present state system which has full sovereignty over its own existence. Sovereignty is the power of that country which cannot be violated by anyone. So, to deal with an outbreak like this, it is important to discuss a world government system, with all the police in order to order social order for world stability. Corona virus can only be eliminated through stability and social order at the world level. Maybe this idea is Utopian, but in the future it is very necessary. Or at a softer level, the countries of the world must submit to the United Nations and give a mandate to the institution to have a kind of police organ, which is specifically needed for such management. This means that the state, whoever it is, will obey its orders if a (non) natural disaster has occurred that requires social order to prevent it. Or countries humbly willing to establish international cooperation without seeing the ideology, culture and religion of the majority of each of these countries.
Kovid-19 has at least taught the world politicians that the democratic system is not fully effective in improving people's welfare. In a democratic climate, freedom always gets priority. In fact, social freedom is actually a good land for breeding of the corona virus. Conversely, socialist countries tend to be able to control this virus because they are able to better control the community. Democracy is superior to socialists because it utilizes criticism from communists. So, if now in the democratic country the case of kovid is much higher than the socialist state, then it is obligatory for the democratic state to listen to criticism from the socialist state. ***
Writer, lecturer in Sociology at FISIP, Udayana University.