The Role of Tourism, Non-Oil and Gas Export, and Economic Growth on Human Development Index

Funding period : 2020- Active


              The role of tourism and non-oil and gas exports is very potential for Bali as a source of income, because Bali does not have enough natural resources to finance development. The development of tourism and the increase in the value of exports will have an impact on economic growth so that economic growth will affect other sectors of the economy can move and ultimately be able to prosper the community as reflected by the increasing value of HDI. By using time series data from 2004 - 2019. Data analysis using SEM-PLS with WarpPLS 7.0. The results showed that tourism had a positive and significant effect on Bali's economic growth, Bali's export value had a positive and non-significant effect on Bali's economic growth, and Bali's economic growth, had a significant effect on the Bali Human Development Index.
Keywords — economic growth, export, HDI,tourism