Journal article

Efikasi Ivermectin Peroral terhadap Infeksi Cacing Nematoda Gastrointestinal pada Ternak Babi di Bali


Volume : 7 Nomor : 1 Published : 2018, January



ABSTRAK Babi merupakan komoditas unggulan dibidang peternakan daerah Bali yang dari dulu telah dipelihara, dibudidayakan, dan diternakan untuk tujuan tertentu terutama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan daging atau protein hewani bagi manusia. Sistem managemen pemeliharaan dengan sanitasi kandang yang buruk dan rendahnya kesadaran peternak babi menyebabkan babi mudah terinfeksi cacing nematoda. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian clinical trial untuk mengetahui efikasi ivermectin peroral terhadap infeksi cacing nematoda gastrointestinal pada babi dengan rancangan pre test dan post test design. Penelitian dilakukan dalam empat tahap, yaitu pengambilan 50 sampel feses babi, pemeriksaan preparat feses babi dengan metode Konsentrasi Apung dan Mc. Master, pemberian ivermectin, dan pengamatan telur nematoda untuk menentukan nilai FECRT (Faecal Egg Count Reduction Test). Hasil penelitian menunjukan efektivitas ivermectin secara oral sangat efektif untuk pengobatan terhadap infeksi cacing nematoda gastrointestinal pada ternak babi sebesar 96,63%,. Efikasi ivermectin secara oral terhadap cacing nematoda gastrointestinal yaitu Ascaris suum 97,3%, Trichuris suis 97,8% , Strongyloides ransomi 100% dan cacing tipe Strongyl sebesar 95,7%. Kata kunci: Babi, Nematoda Gatrointestinal, Ivermectin ABSTRACT Swine is a leading commodities in the field of animal husbandry areas of Bali that had been nurtured, cultivated and bred for specific purposes primarily to meet the needs of meat or animal protein for humans. Maintenance management systems with poor cage sanitation and low awareness of pig farmers cause pigs to be easily infected by nematode worms. This research is a clinical trial to determine the efficacy of oral ivermectin against gastrointestinal nematode infections with pre-test and post-test design. The study was conducted four stages, namely sampling pig feces, pig feces examination preparations, giving oral ivermectin, and observation of nematode eggs to determine the value FECRT (Faecal Egg Count Reduction Test). The results showed the effectiveness of oral ivermectin is highly effective for the treatment of gastrointestinal nematode infections in swine amounted to 96.63%,. The efficacy of oral ivermectin against gastrointestinal nematode worm that is against Ascaris suum was of 97.3%, 97.8% Trichuris suis, Strongyloides ransomi 100% and the worm-type Strongyl of 95.7%. Keywords: Swine/pig, Gastrointestine Nematode, Ivermectin