Journal article

Karakteristik fisik dan mekanik bioplastik (studi konsentrasi tapioka dan perbandingan campuran pemlastis)


Volume : 3 Nomor : 1 Published : 2016, March

Media Ilmiah Teknologi Pangan


Karakteristik Fisik dan Mekanik Bioplastik ( Studi Konsentrasi Tapioka dan Perbandingan Campuran Pemlastis ) Characteristic of bioplastic’s physical and mechanical ( Study on Tapioca Concentration and Composition Mixture of Plasticizer ) Bambang Admadi Harsojuwono * , dan I Wayan Arnata PS Teknik Industri Pertanian , Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Udayana , Bukit Jimbaran, Badung 80361 ; Telp /Fax : (0361) 701801 Diterima 03 Pebruari 2016 / Disetujui 17 Pebruari 2016 ABSTRACT This study aims to ( 1 ) the effect of the concentration of starch and ratio mixture of plasticizer to the physical and mechanical characteristics of bioplastics ( 2 ) determine the concentration of starch and plasticizer RATIO mixture that results in physical and mechanical characteristics of bio plastics best . The experiment was conducted using a factorial randomized block design . The first factor is the concentration of tapioca consisting of 3 levels 4 % , 5 % and 6 % (w / w) . The second factor is the mixture plasticizer ratio of glycerol and sorbitol consisting of 5 levels ie ( 100 : 0 ) % , ( 95 : 5 ) % , ( 90 : 10 ) % , ( 85 : 15 ) % , ( 80 : 20 ) % b / b . Each combination of treatments classified into 2 time processing bio plastics, so there are 30 experimental units . Variables observed water content, elongation at break, tensile strength and Young's modulus . The data obtained were analyzed of variant and test of Duncan's . The results showed that the concentration of tapioca and mixture plasticizer had no effect on water content but significant effect on the elongation at break, tensile strength and Young's modulus . The concentration of starch 6 % with a ratio of mixture of plasticizers glycerol : sorbitol ( 100 : 0 ) produces the best characteristics of bioplastics with water content of 3 . 98 % , elongation at break of 18 . 75 % , the tensile strength of 930 MPa and a Young's modulus of 50 MPa . Keywords : Bioplastics, concentration of tapioca, ratio of glycerol and sorbyto