Journal article
Tourism-Supporting Resources Based on Typology of Adventure Tourism Destinations in Karangasem Regency
I Made Bayu Ariwangsa MADE SUDIANA MAHENDRA I Komang Gde Bendesa Made Budiarsa
Volume : 5 Nomor : 4 Published : 2021, August
European Modern Studies Journal
Abstract. Adventure tourism that is challenging in nature has an attraction that makes tourists visit to explore an area or carry out activities that have positive potential in changing people, the environment, and economic growth in various industries if it is developed into maximum. Recognizing the potential of an area to be developed more optimally by developing adventure tourism as a new market niche, it can potentially contribute to improving the quality and quantity of tourism destinations in that area. By examining the current conditions and the potential for adventure tourism in Karangasem Regency, this study aims to analyze two aspects, namely the existing adventure tourism activities and the availability of supporting resources based on the typology of adventure tourism that is developing in Karangasem Regency. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The types of data are primary data and secondary data. It uses purposive sampling and snowball sampling to determine and select informants. The data were collected by using a participatory observation by trying to do all adventure activities in locations that have the potential for adventure tourism activities. The data analysis applied the content and meaning analysis using a qualitative descriptive method. The theory used in the analysis is adventure approach theory and tourism development components. The results of the analysis reveal that there are 16 types of existing adventure tourism activities which are divided into 8 land-based activities, 7 water-based activities, and 1 air-based activity which spread evenly in each sub-district in Karangasem Regency. The results of the analysis of the supporting resources for adventure tourism activities in Karangasem Regency show that among all those activities only 48% of the supporting resources for adventure tourism are already almost fully available and meet the criteria, there are 48% that have not been fully available and did not meet the criteria completely, and only two criteria (location and marketing) which cover 4% were fully unavailable for some activities. The activities which the supporting resources have been completely met the criteria required for strengthening and improving the quality for the sustainability of the development of adventure tourism activities that have been carried out well. Supporting resources that have not been fully met need development according to the criteria in order to increase the quality for sustainability. Meanwhile, in the case of the unavailability of supporting resources to fulfill the elements of the criteria, more intensive planning is needed in line with the tourism development plan and the RTRW of Karangasem Regency. Keywords: Tourism, Adventure Tourism, Supporting Resources Criteria, Typology of Adventure Tourism