Journal article
Pengaruh Ukuran Wadah Kemasan Mika Terhadap Kualitas dan Umur Simpan Buah Stroberi (Fragaria sp)
Volume : 11 Nomor : 1 Published : 2021, May
Agrotrop Journal on Agriculture Science
ABSTRACT Yonathan Christian Simatupang. NIM. 150515088. The Influence Size of the Mica Packaging Containers on the Quality and Shelf Life Strawberry (Fragaria sp.). Under The Guidance Of: Prof. Ir. Made Sudiana Mahendra, M.App.Sc., Ph.D dan Anak Agung Gede Sugiarta S.P., M.Si. This study aims to determine the effect of the type of plastic mica container size with a total of 15 pieces of packaging and determine the best treatment for the shelf life of strawberries (Fragaria sp). This study uses a complete randomized design methodology (CRD) with one treatment, namely the type of plastic mica container size with various types of packaging types as follows: type 1 (K1), type 2 (K2), type 3 (K3) and number 15 fruit packs. The observed variables were weight loss, hardness level, shelf life, organoleptic test, respiration rate and vitamin C. The use of the type of treatment of the size of the packaging container affected the physico-chemical changes in the strawberries. The use of the type of treatment of the size of the packaging container gives an influence on the physico-chemical changes in the strawberries. The treatment of the package affects the rate of respiration and vitamin C levels. In the observations obtained the type of packaging that has the best assessment. is the type of K1 packaging container size, which is the smallest packaging compared to the K2 and K3 packaging container sizes. This is indicated by the weight loss variable with the lowest value of 0.20%, respiration rate with the lowest value of 20.61 CO2/ kg/hour, vitamin C levels with the highest value of 72.89 mg/100g, and organoleptic test where the type of K1 container size has a score highest in the observation of fruit color, fruit appearance and fruit aroma. Observation of the shelf life of strawberries shows the type of container size K1 has an average shelf life better than K2 and K3. K1 type container size has an average shelf life of 4 days. The type of K2 container size has an average shelf life of 3,4 days. The type of K3 container size has an average shelf life of 3,2 days. The shelf life of strawberries by giving various types of packaging container treatment at a temperature of 28-30ÂșC with the treatment of packaging is 4 days. Keywords: strawberies, type of plastic mica, number of pieces, shelf life