Journal article

Hubungan antara hitung leukosit dalam darah dengan derajat cedera kepala, adanya fokal lesi dan perdarahan subaraknoid traumatik di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar

I WAYAN NIRYANA dr. Thomas Arie Satya Wardhana dr. Citra Aryanti SRI MALIAWAN

Volume : 50 Nomor : 1 Published : 2019, March



Traumatic brain injury is widespread and leads to death and disability in millions of individuals around the world each year, especially young adults. Leucocyte count is said to increase as the severity of brain damage. This study is analytic study with cross-sectional design with 56 subjects suffered from traumatic brain injury. At those subjects, the author evaluate GCS score, head CT scan and serum leucocyte count simultaneously when the patients first arrived at hospital. Data were collected and analyzed with SPSS. This study include 56 subjects, 39 male (69.64%) and 17 female (30.36%), with the youngest age 14 years old and the oldest is 65 years old. From the results, the author found there is correlation with serum leucocyte count with severity of traumatic brain injury (p<0.001) but not with focal lesion (p=0.074) and subarachnoid hemorrhage (p=0.260). This can be caused by difference in study methods and number of samples compared with other references.