Journal article

Interleukin-28B Polymorphisms and Response of Chronic Hepatitis C Patients from Indonesia to Pegylated Interferon Ribavirin Treatment

Juniastuti Bogi P. Wibowo I DEWA NYOMAN WIBAWA Takako Utsumi Syifa Mustika Mochamad Amin Rury M. Wahyuni Hendra Kurniawan MADE AGUS HENDRAYANA Poernomo B. Setiawan Laura N. Yamani Soetjipto Yoshihiko Yano Hak Hotta Yoshitake Hayashi

Volume : 52 Nomor : 6 Published : 2014, June

Journal of Clinical Microbiology


This study demonstrated that Indonesian patients with chronic hepatitis C (mostly ethnic Java people) mostly were infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1; however, they carried mainly the major genotypes of interleukin 28B (IL-28B) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs12979860 CC, rs11881222 TT, rs8103142 AA, and rs8099917 TT), and they mostly achieved sustained virological responses to pegylated interferon/ribavirin treatment