Journal article

Charater's Language Features in 'ILE' by Eugenne O'Neil


Volume : 1 Nomor : 2 Published : 2014, May

Lingual:Journal of Language and Culture


English language provides varieties of ways in which language is not used in entertainments and politic, but used in the way of society conveys from one group to another. Our language features embodies attitudes as well as referential meanings. Woman’s language has its foundation attitude that women are marginal to the serious concerns of life, which are preempted by men (Lakoff, 1975). This study focus on analyzing the language features use by the main character in “Ile” drama. Drama is a literary composition involving conflict, action crisis and atmosphere designed to be acted by players on a stage before an audience. This definition may be applied to motion picture drama as well as to the traditional stage. The main questions to be answered is what are the language features of the main character ? The analysis shows that every character use certain language features as a manifestation of their role, atitude or status.