Journal article

Translation Procedure of Happy Emotion of English into Indonesian in Krsna Text

I Wayan Suryasa I NENGAH SUDIPA Ida Ayu Made Puspani I MADE NETRA

Volume : 10 Nomor : 4 Published : 2019, July

Journal of Language Teaching and Research


The current study is aimed at identifying the translation procedure of happy emotion of English into Indonesian. The emotion of happy is translated into several words included bahagia, senang, suka, lega, kesenangan, gembira ria, riang, ceria, patah hati, and tenteram. The structural and metalinguistic differences between language and culture, the effects of certain styles cannot be achieved without disturbing lexis or syntactic order in the target language. In such cases, it is a more complex procedure must be used to convey the meaning of the source text. It may looks quite modern, or even unusual, indirect translation procedure allow translators to exercise over strict control the reliability of their efforts. The cultural system owned in SL and TL is at a high level and/or high context. It prioritizes positive emotions, positive thinking, and positive face rather than negative emotions. It is possible to be an evaluative the emotion in a part or fully their configuration meaning and explication technique. The most of emotive words has a positive evaluation regarded to positive feelings. It is categorized as a style and strategy communication.