Provision of Basic Food Assistance to Badung Suwun Market Workers
Dean of FK Unud Prof. Dr. dr. I Ketut Suyasa, SpB, SpOT (K), accompanied by the Vice Dean for Academic and Planning Dr.dr. I Dewa Made Sukrama, SpMK (K), Deputy Dean for General and Finance Dr.dr.A A Wiradewi Lestari, SpPK and lecturer representatives who were attended by Dr. Ketut Suarta, SpA (K) and Dr.dr. I Wayan Megadana, SpOG (K) in collaboration with the Chairman of the Rama Sesana Foundation, dr. Luh Putu Upadisari made a donation to 120 suwun laborers at Badung Market which was symbolically handed over to representatives of the Badung Suwun laborers earlier this afternoon in the Denpasar Badung Market area.
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Upakara Pecaruan Lan Pemelaspas Cakra Vidhya Usadha Building