Pande Clan
Jean Francois Guermonprez
ISBN : 978-602-9042-94-8 Published : 2012
This book is translated from the French "Les Pande de Bali: la formation d'une" caste 'et le valeur titre "by Syamsul Alam Paturusi and Widiastuti. This book is a collection of a figure in Bali that has been kept for years but has never been read and understood because of language barriers, he knows that this book is related to "Pande", one of the clans in Balinese society. So far, the Pande people never getting scientific information about this soroh. "Why is it different from the other types of soroh in Bali? As it is known that this soroh has the characteristics and skills of being a" craftsman "related to metal, so far the information about this soroh is only based on hereditary stories flavored with mysticism and occultism. It has really been long awaited for decades by the Pande people, this is proven when launching in the Postgraduate Auditorium of Udayana University, visitors exploded. Guermonprez, using a scientific approach through the search of local manuscripts both in Bali and Java, as well as research texts by foreign researchers primarily from the Netherlands. In addition, for a year living in Bali along the trail left behind this excitement both through depth- interviews and intense observation.