Strategick Marketing Management
I Gusti Ayu Ketut Giantari dan NI Nyoman Kerti yasa
ISBN : : 978-623-92832-0-9 Published : 2019
The market environment always changes, so does the business environment. Changes in the market environment will affect the marketing strategy of a business. Therefore, every business manager should always routinely and continuously conduct observation activities, analysis of the business environment so that based on observations and analysis of various market conditions so that they are able to design and implement marketing strategies in various market conditions, such as in emerging markets , a growing market, a mature market, to a declining market. Likewise for the latest changes such as the new economy. This book is intended for students and business managers. For this book students are expected to be used as a reference to learn and understand strategic marketing management so that knowledge of theories and concepts of strategy management can be obtained that can be used to prepare thesis, thesis and field research. For business managers, this book is expected to be used as a basis for observing and analyzing the business environment so as to produce business strategies that are compatible with the existing environment.