Happiness Metaphors

16/05/2017 Views : 1455

Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg

This is a recording of my invited interview in Indonesian (Rajeg, 2017) addressing part of the issue discussed in my Doctoral thesis (Rajeg, 2019). The interview was conducted for/by SBS Radio Language series, especially SBS Indonesian Language, a part of the SBS Radio Australia. The followings are opening lines quoted directly from the interview webpage:

"What are the different words used to express happiness in Indonesian? How are the different words used in metaphors? How do their different meanings illustrate different understandings of what happiness might be? Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg explains."

News on the interview is also covered on the webpage of the School of Languages, Literatures, Culture & Linguistics (LLCL), Monash University, Australia.


Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya (2017): Happiness Metaphors. Monash University. Media. https://doi.org/10.4225/03/592cea889c412

Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya (2019): Metaphorical profiles and near-synonyms: A corpus-based study of Indonesian words for HAPPINESS. Monash University. Thesis. https://doi.org/10.26180/5cac231a97fb1