30/06/2020 Views : 221

A.A. Manik Pratiwi


A.A Manik Pratiwi, S.E., M.Si 

Faculty of Udayana, Tel / Fax: Jl. DR. G Goris No.7 Denpasar. Tel / Fax: 0361223798

The tourism industry is very vulnerable to conditions that occur, both natural disasters, security, politics, and the pandemic as it is happening now. For this reason, another sector is needed to support the tourism sector. The impact of Covid 19 on tourism is strongly felt by the Province of Bali which relies on economic growth from the tourism industry. When conditions like now, many emerging creative ideas from tourism people who had to be laid off, this is solely aimed at making a living.
John Howkins (2001) in his book Creative Economy, How People Make Money from Ideas defines the creative economy as an economy that makes creativity, culture, cultural heritage, and the environment the foundation of the future. The concept of the creative economy was later developed by economist Richard Florida (2001) from the United States. In the book The Rise of Creative Class and Cities and Creative Class, Florida reviews the creative industry in society. According to him, man is basically creative, whether he is a worker in an eyewear factory or a teenager in a nudge alley who is making hip-hop music. But the difference is in its status, because there are individuals who are specifically engaged in the creative field and get direct economic benefits from the activities they work at.
The creative economy is developing in Denpasar City with the support of Denpasar Mayor I.B Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra and Deputy Mayor I of GN Jaya Negara. The creative economy is expected to be able to lift tourism potential and save the existence of MSMEs. Denpasar City which has a Hotel and Restaurant Tax (PHR) that is not so big, but accompanied by economic creativity from various fields such as in the culinary, design, film, and so on. Denpasar City which has capital, namely culture and many creative young people.
The development of the creative economy in Denpasar City was also supported by the establishment of the Denpasar Creative Agency. Denpasar Creative Agency is a non-government / private institution. The Denpasar Creative Agency was formed and confirmed by the Mayor of Denpasar and assigned to assist the Mayor of Denpasar in formulating, establishing, coordinating, and synchronizing strategies and policies related to the creativity of the people of Denpasar City.