Use of Barcodes in inventory systems

29/06/2020 Views : 284

I Gusti Ngurah Anom Cahyadi Putra

At this time the existence of technology is needed by many people. Because with technology, work can be completed more easily and quickly. Conducting class inventory on informatics  study programs so far is still manual by using a piece of paper. The disadvantages of this manual system are: the possibility of losing data is huge, the difficulty in analyzing data conclusions, and the difficulty in monitoring class inventory. Class inventory system is built by using barcode. To read barcodes use an Android smartphone so that it will be easier for users. Barcode reading using a smartphone is used in data input and in conducting class inventory. In this application can provide information on goods contained in class, so as to make it easier to get information about class inventory items.

Image of Scan Barcode Application

This article was published in JELIKU Journal in 2020