Heart Fitness (Part I)

03/08/2020 Views : 203

Indira Vidiari Juhanna

Recently we watch cases that are quite shocking, happen to celebrities and its generally occur in men, died at a very young and very productive age. They died after having sports activities that can be said to high intensity sports activities. It also happens in our society. Heart disease still number one as the cause of death, modern lifestyle and all-round practical. Obesity is a most common problem for the next generation of young people. High calories fast food; the sophistication of computer technology that creates a variety of applications so that people can do all activities on their palm of the hand both work activities, entertainment activities, trading activities, etc; lack of public awareness of the importance of exercise is a major factor causing heart disease.

            Obesity is certainly a major factor causing heart disease, but if we look at the death cases of our celebrities, did not get the existence of obesity and they seems to be diligent enough to carry out sports activities, then why can this happen? Why can this person have a heart attack? First of all we need to know that based on most research the risk of heart disease is more common in men, but not so significantly different when compared to women. A man does not have the estrogen hormone that known can reduce a person's stress level and most of men consume cigarettes. A man has an important role as the driver of the nation's economy. The existence of high work demands, problems in the household, a introvert personality will cause conditions, stress, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders. This certainly will disrupt our body's normal function or physiology. But this is often underestimated by most of our society. That actually mental health greatly affects physical health.

            These health goals can be achieved, people usually do high intensity sports. Desire to lose weight in a short time, shape the body in a short time, using drugs to achieve body goals in a short time will have a negative impact on our heart health. Age also plays an important role in the health of our bodies. Many do not know that the aging process starts when we turn 30 years old. Our body's metabolism begins to decrease, so that one can cause it to quickly gain weight just by consuming less food. In addition, it can also decrease the function of our organs, the body is more sensitive to stressors and damage occurs. Sports activities that are too hard can cause free radicals that can damage organs.