28/07/2022 Views : 207

I Gusti Alit Artha

Thymomas are tumors originating from the thymus gland. The Thymus gland itself is a lymphoid organ located in the front chest. The thymus gland is the place of maturation of lymphocytes, which is one of the cells that plays a role in the body's defenses. This thymus gland reaches optimal development at puberty, and then undergoes a process of involution and disappears with age. Under certain circumstances, this thymus gland remains afloat, it can even enlarge. This kind of situation triggers the thymus to become a malignancy / thyom.

Thymas in the early stages generally do not give symptoms, often known when patients have a medical check-up. A symptom that often appears is Myasthenia gravis, which is a condition in which there is weakness in skeletal muscles in the long term. The muscles involved include the eye muscles, facial muscles, throat, arm muscles, and legs. This can cause a person to have difficulty controlling his body movements, with symptoms of speech difficulties, difficulty swallowing or chewing, difficulty breathing when it hits the muscles of the chest wall, coughing, drooping eyelids, rapid fatigue.  The symptoms experienced by each person are usually different depending on each person's condition. The symptoms experienced usually get worse as more and more activities are carried out.

To diagnose a person with thyma, a doctor will perform a physical examination as well as several other supporting examinations. Some of the examinations that are usually carried out include CT scans or MRIs, bronchoscopy, taking samples of tumor tissue by biopsy which is then confirmed by histopathological examination.

Thymomas are usually treated by surgery. If the tumor is invasive or too large, a combination of chemotherapy or radio therapy is required. Early detection will certainly be more useful for faster and more precise handling.