Adolescent Education Choices in COVID 19 Season to be Ready for Menarche

30/06/2020 Views : 274

Ida Arimurti Sanjiwani

What is Adolescent ?
dolescence is a period of fun and starts for a new stage regardless of the phase of children. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) adolescents are children at the age of 10 to 19 years (WHO, 2019). Entering the adolescent phase often changes both posture in both men and women. Adolescent girls will experience first menstruation or menarche

What is Menarche?

Menarche is an important sign for young women who show the activity of their reproductive organs and hormones (Sukarni & Wahyu, 2013). Teenagers usually experience menarche at the age of 11-13. Research in Indonesia shows that adolescents will menarche at an average age of 13 years. But other research also found that greater age occurs at an average age of 11-16 years. The difference in time of occurrence of menarche in adolescents is natural because menarche is influenced by stress, diet / nutrition, physical activity or due to certain hormone-related diseases. A few months before menarche, adolescents may experience vaginal discharge, abdominal cramps, emotionally labile or premenstrual syndrome and this is normal. In addition, please note that not all teenagers will experience regular menstruation at the beginning of the first year, it will usually start regularly in the second year and this is also a natural thing to know (Suryani & Widyasih, 2010; Kusmiran, 2011).


What Is ready for menarche?
Teenagers are said to be ready to face menarche if they already have the maturity or aspects of understanding, appreciation, and willingness. So young women must understand the changes in their bodies, that one day will be able to enter a period of growing up, life, then giving birth and meopause. So before that, the initial phase of adolescents entering their reproductive function is understanding that menarche will arrive at a day. the appreciation of being a woman who naturally experiences menstruation is very important. So if there is blood fluid coming out of the vagina in menarce ages then it is natural, and the willingness arising from the realization that menstruation is a cycle of functioning of the reproductive organs. Many experiences about menarche that may be obtained from school friends who are menstruating, sisters or mothers. but in this pandemic direct chance to share experiences with friends at school or in the community is limited.


What are some examples of forms of adolescent health promotion during COVID 19?

There are various methods to improve understanding. Health education is important to be able to help individuals achieve their health. Education with offline techniques such as direct lectures or distributing leaflets to the public is now limited by their mobility due to COVID 19 attacks that force everyone to keep their distance. COVID 19 demands to modify educational media by using technology. Schools and health workers must learn to use digital media to expand health education. Education about menstruation can be given through many digital choices, especially teenagers are very close to internet activities. Making information with an interesting animated video about menstruation in elementary school children in several studies showed the influence of increased readiness about menache in early adolescents. Educational content about what is menache, menstruation, how to use sanitary napkins, and a healthy clean lifestyle during menstruation can certainly be used as educational content. So the choice of online educational media can help teens be ready to menarche with interesting educational animated videos (Sanjiwani & Pramitaresthi, 2018). Videos can also be posted on YouTube, chat groups, or teen health websites. So educators are also required to be more skilled in utilizing current developments in science and technology for education in the 19th COVID pandemic.