27/06/2020 Views : 225
I Gede Pasek Pramana
Bali is never separated from culture. considering the culture is one
strategy to maintain the existence of Bali. Nonetheless Bali must be selective
in the efforts
to sort and choose cultures that must be developed, because not all cultures
have a positive connotation. The effort
as intended it’s better also
involve yowana, because yowana will be responsible against sustainability of
Bali is ait with wide 5,780.06 km2 located in the
territory of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Bali consists of 8 districts
and 1 city with a population of approximately 4 million. The center of
government and the economy of Bali is located in Denpasar City which is also
the Capital of the Province of Bali. Specifically regarding the economy, Bali
was initially dependent on the agricultural sector. But in its dynamics, the
development tourism industry which is actually getting stronger and finally
become source income
biggest for
Bali. In accordance with Bali Province Regulation No. 2 of 2012 concerning
Balinese Culture Tourism, the development of Tourism in Bali should be guided
by the value of Balinese culture which is based on the teachings of Balinese
Hinduism and the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana. It aims to maintain the
Balinese civilization in the midst of global interaction due to the tourism
There are various views
about culture, one of which states that culture is the result of human thinking
that aims to humanize humans. Culture is born in human life in the context of a
society that lasts from one generation to the next. Universally known 7
elements in culture, among others: religious, social systems, knowledge
systems, livelihood systems, technology, art, and language. Based on these 7
elements, not all habits that have been run from generation to generation can
be qualified as culture. For example, the habit of metajen, chewing and memitre
is not exactly called a culture.
In addition to habit, the term
culture also should differed
term tradition. In principle, tradition taken as custom that evaluated good and right and functions as a regulator of
behavior. Judging from the form of culture, tradition is form of culture that most abstract and is rich will load in cultural values. As
part of culture, then customs are described as mutual values and / or rules
of courtesy. Thus, traditions that are part of culture are only limited to
customs that contain values of mutual cooperation, rules of courtesy, and
always aim at humanizing humans.
Law in fact has manage about role of youth in
culture. Based on Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2009 tentang Kepemudaan Article
16 and Article 17 of
regulation a quo manage that youth have role active in efforts cultural development. Based on Law Number 5 of 2017
concerning the Promotion of Culture, Article 1 number 5 regulates that the
development of culture is an effort to improve, enrich and disseminate culture.
Thus, the existence of youths should not be underestimated, bearing in mind the
state's trust in youth to be involved in cultural development efforts.
In Bali, the term youth is more
familiar mentioned with
yowana. Generally, those who are classified as yowana are at least 13 years
old. Yowana in Bali also has a container being called sekaa
truna. In the organization of sekaa truna, the yowanas interact, organize, and know and learn
about Balinese culture. Since the issuance of Peraturan Daerah Nomor 4 Tahun
2019 tentang Desa Adat di Bali (Perda 4/2019), the existence of yowana is
strictly regulated in the provisions of Article 1 number 21, Article 43 and
Article 48. Based on Article 1 number 21 and Article 43 of Perda 4/2019, It is
stipulated that Yowana has a position as a youth organization in the
traditional environment that is part of the adat village. As for Article 48 of Perda
4/2019, it is further regulated the responsibility of the yowana to carry out
activities in the youth sector, one of which is relating to culture.
In practice, previous issuance of Peraturan
Daerah Nomor 4 Tahun 2019 tentang Desa Adat di Bali, yowana had indeed played
an active role in various cultural nuanced activities. For example, the role of
Yowana in Banjar Teba - Desa Adat Jimbaran in actualizing the tradition of siat
yeh in 2018 ago. Appropriate
the tradition of siat yeh is a native culture of Jimbaran Traditional Village.
Previously this tradition was held to coincide on the day of shooting geni by
the yowana in the Indigenous Village of Jimbaran. The purpose of the
implementation of this tradition is for kasukretan manners Banjar Teba - Desa
Adat Jimbaran.
rapid development of the tourism industry in the Jimbaran region, apparently
does not always have positive implications for the sustainability of local
culture. Development of tourism support facilities that are not controlled,
then disrupt the continuation of the siat tradition. The implementation of this
tradition was delayed for quite a long time, due to the location of the
implementation of siat yeh which is a lobok (meeting of the sea and swamp)
which has been displaced by the existence of supporting tourism facilities.
Considering the philosophy and purpose of siat yeh tradition, the yowana in
Banjar Teba finally took the initiative and also worked together to revive the
tradition. The action of the yowana in Banjar Teba is real proof that shows that
the yowana in Bali is very thorough
sort and choosing which traditions should be developed as culture.
Going forward, reminded that the yowana in Bali is
still mindful of its culture. Although cultural acculturation in Bali is very
high due to the tourism industry, the traditional village yowana in Bali must
be consistent to
implement role of cultural
development for the sustainability of Bali.