11/08/2020 Views : 253

Gede Wirata

Being something extraordinary is very easy. However, it turned out that the context had not yet finished. There must be additional implications that accompany it. The implication is a stepping stone for increasing one's potential to develop in the desired direction. The stepping stone is based on hope, but rather on the meaning of necessity. For example, "if" I write a sheet about my current thought idea, "then" I will publish it in one magazine page so that it can be read by many audiences. The second example, "if" I want to become a professor, "then" I have to become a senior teacher, researcher or lecturer.

The second example above is quite interesting to study. Why should you be a senior teacher, lecturer or researcher? Can you not become a senior teacher, lecturer or researcher as a professor? Moreover, last week, locals were shaken by the issue of finding a potion that could cure COVID-19. This issue was showed within YouTube content owned by Andji. However, the content was removed sooner due to reporting in the realm of law. The one who found the potion was a "professor" there. It must be tolerated in connection with the recent title of professor used by those dealing with unrest in the realm of academia. Again and again, carefully look at the few opening sentences of this second paragraph.

When the public hears the word of professor, what comes to the mind of the reader that a pure professor must be a senior teacher, lecturer or researchers as in the background. Recently on social media platforms, one of which is Instagram, many netizens are busy looking for the meaning of certain terms in the KBBI or large Indonesian dictionaries. One example, looking for the meaning of lackeys from the connotation of lackeys WHO. Well, what about the professor? Come on, see the KBBI explanation of what professor means. According to KBBI (you can search on Google®, yes!), Professor means someone who is known to the public with a profession as an expert, abbreviated as prof., as well as a senior teacher, lecturer and / or researcher who is usually employed by educational institutions, college, or university.

The title of professor is not random. In Indonesia, the title of Professor is the highest academic functional position. Consider again the content in Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, article 1 point 3, that a professor or professor is the highest functional position for lecturers who are still teaching in a higher education unit. Since 2007, only those with a doctoral academic degree can become professors. Quite not easy, right? Even though being a professor is an extraordinary thing. Moreover, I was still young and considered under 30 years of age. Again, the implications are important. What I should be grateful for now is that I have become a lecturer at a well-known university in Bali. The opportunity to become a professor can be obtained only by collecting the latest Lecturer Credit Score determined by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, you know. The Ministry of Education and Culture emphasizes the importance of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (PT) as a basis for stepping on the title of professor.

Tri Dharma PT is binding on a lecturer or researcher in the form of conditions that must be exceeded to become a professor. First, there must be a doctorate diploma (S3) or equivalent; at least 3 years after obtaining the certificate; have work experience as a lecturer for at least 10 years. Second, have additional scientific papers published in reputable international journals. Third, it is additional, lecturers with extraordinary achievements; If you have a reputable international publication after obtaining a doctorate degree (S3) and other requirements, then at least 3 years is considered an exception. These sentences are contained in the Operational Guidelines for Assessment of Credit Score for Academic Promotion / Lecturer Rank 2019 as of January 1, 2020. So, the position of professor only applies when he is in an academic environment. If he resigns or is dismissed, then he is no longer entitled to hold the position of Professor.

If we compare it with the connotation of "professor" in cyberspace these days. The title of professor cannot be obtained with affection capital or well-known capital for health promotion affairs in particular. To make matters worse, someone dared to call himself a professor and introduced certain ingredients that were claimed to be effective in the treatment of COVID-19. Here it is very clear that there are two things that are very contrary to norms and academic and research ethics. The first thing, does he who uses the title of professor have a lecturer's or research background? If not, do we easily believe the invitation of YouTubers who have an abundance of subscribers? Not a guarantee. The first of these is very easy to find online. Just type the name of a professorship on the Google Scholar or Google Scholar websites. If you want something even more powerful, check the lecturer role registration on the DIKTI forlap website page.

The second thing, ethics and research principles, of course these have very many areas. Starting from preparation, during research, and the end of research. Each stage has binding rules so that in the end it is safe for humans and makes the lives of many people prosperous. Instead of speaking at length here, the point is that readers can easily trace the results of the research of a person who claims to be a professor on the website Research Gate, Google Scholar or Google Scholar, or ORCID. Actually there are many, but it is enough. If the research findings under the name of the professor's claimant do not exist and are completely null, an intelligent reader will know what to conclude.

However, what happens when the professors' sense of self-worth is attacked with such qualitative conditions? The answer lies in the professor's claimant are aware of good or bad character. All sides of this world's life are choices. By choosing the path of goodness, good is harvested, and vice versa with evil. We will discuss this spiritual lecture at another time, yes! To be sure, I just emphasize, I struggled to get promoted to be a professor. But it is not impossible that I can become a prosefor according to the mandate of the Law and the ministry, for the sake of a sense of service to the wider community. Tri Dharma PT was accomplished. Long-life learning.