Genders Politic - Woman Leaders in The Middle of Pandemic

29/06/2020 Views : 309

Putu Nomy Yasintha

Women adopt a more collaborative, cooperative, or democratic leadership style

(Bass & Avolio, 1994; McGregor, 1985)

Since the corona outbreaks started in Wuhan in the last 2019, the virus creates the global pandemic. This challenges every country to come up with their best strategies to handle this virus outbursts. The challenges itself goes heavily to every country leader around the world. The capability of handling the crisis during this pandemic has nothing to do with gender, or is it?

As we all know corona pandemic has brought chaos to every country. The government has its challenges in dealing with this problem. The country's leaders have very measured their capabilities, whether they can handle this pandemic well or not. During this time the discussion about gender and leadership style did not become a big enough discussion. It's just that seeing the current situation where the average country led by women leaders is seen more successful in bringing their countries to face this pandemic situation.

New Zealand, led by Jacinda Ardern since June 8, has announced that the country is free from active corona cases. Jacinda took quick steps to overcome the corona problem in her country. Since March 25, Jacinda has been doing a lockdown by closing most business centers, closing all schools and instructing its citizens to remain at home. New Zealand has 1,154 cases with a low mortality rate of 22 cases of coronavirus deaths. Jacinda's quick steps and her readiness to take a communicative approach to her people received much praise from other countries.

Not much different from New Zealand, Germany is now also able to relax restrictions in the country. Chancellor Angela Merkel stated that although some restrictions had been relaxed the public was still being asked to be vigilant because 'the virus is still out there'. Merkel gave an excellent speech, stating that she was very sorry to have to take preventative measures by limiting people's freedom. The approach taken by Merkel was able to make his people pay special attention to him and obey the restrictions imposed by the German government. Besides facing the corona pandemic, Merkel's ability to lead Germany through the crisis has been tested before. Merkel was able to lead Germany through difficult times such as the global crisis facing the European region and also the problem of migration in 2015. This also makes the German people very high hopes that Merkel will be able to carry them through this pandemic. In addition to New Zealand and Germany, some news also noted that countries led by women such as Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Iceland, Finland, and Taiwan were able to deal with this pandemic problem better than those led by men. But does gender influence the credibility of a during a critical period?

Woman Leaders: Breaking Norms and Barriers

Most people still think that leaders are usually identified as positions occupied by men. This causes a bias towards women's position in politics. But based on OECD data, there has been an increase in the proportion of women in politics. The largest proportion is in France where according to the latest data in 2017, France has a proportion of 52.9 for the representation of women in politics.

The position of women in power is often referred to as the glass ceiling. This metaphor is still valid, but as before the position of women to occupy leadership positions now has more access than before, although this position is still dominated by men. Three things prevent women from becoming leaders, this is likened to; the concrete wall, the glass ceiling, and finally, the path that allows women to become leaders but through a challenging route that is likened to a labyrinth (Eagly and Carli, 2007).

The concrete walls are parables in which the things that prevent women from being in leadership positions are explicit rules and very binding community norms. In some countries, there are still many women who do not get equal rights in voting, let alone occupy positions in politics. In parables such as concrete walls, men are required as breadwinners in domestic life and women are household managers instead. So that in this case only men who are believed to be able to have a career. Somewhat different from the parable of the concrete wall, the glass ceiling began to involve women in positions of authority in a job, only the higher-level position was still held by men. Like the parable of a glass, women can see from a distance their position to reach the peak of authority but still, some obstacles limit them to achieve it like glass. The assumption most often used by society to discredit women from certain positions is because women are still often associated with their positions as wives and mothers. This gives doubt to some parties that women will be able to survive and not leave work for the sake of their families. Whereas the labyrinth intended here explains that the glass ceiling is not too obvious in some sectors. Women have started to occupy high-level positions. But the process to achieve this is a complex process like a labyrinth. Only a few types of companies began to minimize the barrier for women to occupy high-level positions, such as companies engaged in the field of high tech.

So what distinguishes between female and male leaders in their leadership style? The fact that so many barriers and challenges that women need to face before they sit on high authority position make them more effective as a leader. Scientists at Development Dimensions International (DDI), Tacy M. Byham mentioned “Women need to do a better job of declaring themselves and becoming their advocates—speaking and acting confidently and mentally promoting themselves to a future-focused role.  With this mindset, our behaviors change. And, a woman’s impact is strengthened and improves her ability to get that seat at the table.” (Chief Executive, 2016). It could be said that with the various difficulties faced by women to reach the top position, forming them into persistent leaders. Only 5 percent of nations around the world lead by a female. Women leaders in politics tend to rise the attention to certain issues such as health, sexual violence, and the gender gap in employment and access to public policies. Differences in the focus of attention and also life experiences between men and women make the country with female leaders tend to have divergent political policies.

If we take a look at how female leaders handling crises during the corona pandemic, we will see that female leader most likely to take decisive action during this pandemic. They have taken the fight by going hard and going early just like what Jacinda Arden said during her press conference to her fellow New Zealanders. She did a fascinating job by doing early lockdown and banned travel from China in early February. And not only that, she successfully gains respect from the public when she decided to take a 20% pay cut as Prime Minister. Besides compassion in their political approach, women leaders tend to listen more to science. Just like Angela Merkel, German counselor she talked to her citizen with unadulterated facts. She mentioned bluntly during her press conference that 70% of the population in German will be infected with the coronavirus. Therefore she needs to shut down the country earlier than most of the country and she has done the testing from the very beginning. The result of her immediate action is the rate of infection in Germany is much lower than her European counterparts. 

Amie Batson, a Stanford employee who is executive director of WomenLift Health mentioned the reason why woman leader is successful in handling corona pandemic because “they incorporate empathy and compassion, preparedness and an ability to collaborate and listen before making policy decisions. Most importantly, these women leaders know how to inspire their populations to make the necessary sacrifices to control COVID-19 outbreaks”. (Scope, 2020). The compassion side of women has held a greater factor in how they approached their citizens. Make the public listens and obeying your policy is hard to do during this crisis. But I think that’s is the selling point of women on how they can approach their citizens in a “motherly” way.

The success of a leader in being able to carry his community through a crisis during this pandemic does not depend solely on the leader's gender. But it seems that there are distinct advantages of women leaders who are ultimately able to produce better policies and are needed by their people in this situation. although in the end, a good policy comes not only from one's gender but the ability of the leader himself to be able to consider the opinions of other parties, and their desire to hear more.