Radiological Examination on Children
30/07/2020 Views : 183
Ni Nyoman Margiani
Not only adults, radiology examination also need to be performed on children to establish the diagnosis of the disease. Radiological examinations in children are generally the same as adults, except that the implementation and selection of appropriate and safer radiological examination modalities for children. The obstacle that may be experienced during the examination is the lack of cooperation of the children during the examination, sedation could be administered if needed.
What types of radiological examination are often done?
1. X-rays
X-rays are examination that performed by scanning using a device called the Basic X-ray Unit (BXU) as a source of radiation. X-rays will be in the form of X-ray film (X-Ray film). Before doing the scanning process, children should remove objects that can distrub the diagnostic process, such as necklaces, bracelets, or other metal objects. Examination can be done on children, for example as in the formation of an imperfect anal canal and determine the cause of blockage of feces, this examination is usually done by adding a contrast media. X-ray examinations can be performed on each organ system, chest X-ray images are performed to determine abnormalities in the lungs, heart and surrounding tissues as seen in the case of infections, or congenital malformation on the heart. Skull X-ray can be done as to find the signs of abnormalities in the skull bones. X-ray of the musculoskeletal system is often used in the case of trauma with suspicion of fractures.
2. Ultrasound
Ultrasound or ultrasonography is an examination by scanning through ultrasonic waves to determine the shape, size, movement and relationship to the surrounding tissue. Ultrasound is considered the safest examination because it does not use sources of X-rays so that it does not cause radiation effects. Ultrasound itself is divided into 3 types, namely two-dimensional ultrasound, three-dimensional ultrasound, and four-dimensional ultrasound. The higher the number, the scanning of the resulting image will be clearer. Ultrasound in children is done by fasting to consume milk before scanning, because there are known substances in milk that can interfere with the results of the examination. The longer you go through fasting, the more you drink water, and holding your pee will make the scanned area with better the result. Ultrasound examination can be done as in the case of appendicitis, which this examination is done to determine the presence of inflammation or appendiceal rupture due to infection complications. Moreover, it can be done to detect abnormalities in the brain, other abdominal organs and reproductive organs.
3. CT scan
CT scan (Computed Tomography) is a scan of the image of an organ that is examined using a CT scan machine equipped with X-rays and a detector. This examination was chosen to determine abnormalities that are difficult to detect through X-ray examination, such as hydrocephalus. This examination can also be done to ensure the existence of disorders in the child's brain such as tumors or congenital abnormalities. This examination also gives risk for radiation. During the examination process, the child must be calm. In some conditions, children can be given sedatives so that the examination can run smoothly. This examination is usually perform to see the anatomical abnormalities in the entire organ system more clearly by providing multiple image results with transverse slices and 3-dimensional images.
4. MRI
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is an examination of scanning images from various angles with magnetic and radio waves on the organ being examined. This examination is safe to do in children because it does not cause radiation. This method produces a clearer picture of organs, especially in soft tissue. Just like CT Scan, when the examination process takes place, the child must be in a calm state. This examination is usually done to see the anatomical abnormalities in all organs more clearly by providing multiple image results with transverse slices for example to evaluate the presence of tumors in the brain and other organs.