Early Detection of Cervical Cancer

30/06/2020 Views : 302

Anak Agung Ayu Ngurah Susraini

            One method of detection of cervical cancer commonly used in Indonesia is the conventional pap test. This test is done by taking cervical mucus, made smears, fixed 95% alcohol, daubed with Papaniculoau, and then interpreted under a microscope. Interpretation of pap test results based on The Bethesda System in 2001. Before interpretation, the first thing to evaluate was specimen adequacy. Only then will the interpretation of the presence or absence of epithelial abnormalities, squamous or glandular epithelium. as in Indonesia, this examination seems to provide hope of achieving all the targets of Indonesian women who are at risk of cervical cancer. The evaluated at this inspection ( IVA) are squamous-columner joints, acetowhite lesions, punktuasi, mosaics, atypical veins, and other lesions. Categories of IVA findings are normal if slippery, pink, normal; atypical if hyperemic, lots of fluorine, ectropion polyps or cervical warts; abnormal if there are white plaques or white spots (acetowhite)), and cancer cervix if there is growth such as cauliflower or bloody growth.

               Cervical cancer in Indonesia ranks the second most common malignancy in women after breast cancer, a cancer rate of 23.4 per 100,000 population with an average death rate of 13.9 per 100,000 population. Most cervical cancer sufferers come to the health care facility at an advanced stage and have a high level of morbidity and mortality. If the patient comes to a health service at an early stage, the prognosis of the case is good.

               There are several types of methods for early detection of cervical cancer. The method commonly used is conventional Pap test. Another method introduced in Indonesia is the IVA method (Visual Inspection with 5% Acetic Acid). These new methods give results compared to conventional test examinations, which are cheaper, faster and allow direct patient therapy using cryotherapy after IVA examination shows abnormal results. With the low socioeconomic situation of people in Indonesia, use the IVA method which allows early detection of extensive cervical cancer compared to conventional pap tests.

               Cervical cancer is a malignancy that attacks the primary cervix. The most common type of malignancy is malignancy originating from the epithelium (carcinoma). Furthermore, malignancy and praganas lesions in the cervix originating from the epithelium are called cancer and precancerous lesions. Early-stage cervical cancer often has no specific symptoms or signs. In advanced cancers often complain of bleeding after intercourse, vaginal discharge that smells or mixed with blood, or abnormal bleeding after menopause. Some risk factors associated with the occurrence of cervical cancer are sexual intercourse at a young age, frequent multiple partners, giving birth to many children, and smoking habits.

           Like other cancers, cervical cancer occurs through a multi-step process. Precancerous changes in cervical cancer can be known early if early cervical cancer checks are done regularly. If known early and treated adequately, it will provide optimal healing. Which includes sequential precancerous lesions are mild dysplasia (CIN 1), moderate dysplasia (CIN 2), severe dysplasia (CIN 3), and carcinoma in situ, which have an increased risk for the occurrence of invasive cancer.