Implementing Design Build Procurement in Road Infrastructure Project
30/06/2020 Views : 337
Public infrastructure, particularly road infrastructure, has a very strong linkage with the economic growth of a nation. Currently, road infrastructure in Indonesia is inadequate to cover the vast area of the whole country. The condition of the roads, in general, is far from satisfactory. In addition, the growth of new road construction has been very slow. Due to these circumstances, there is an urgent need for the Indonesian government to accelerate the provision and maintenance of road infrastructure.
infrastructure projects in Indonesia are currently delivered using the design-bid-build
(DBB) approach. In the DBB project delivery system, the design and the
construction are contracted separately. Although the DBB approach is deemed fairer
to the contractors, it may not be able to create value for the infrastructure
owner. Its lengthy procurement periods often result in less desirable outcomes
such as excessive costs, unsatisfying quality and time delays.
Delphi questionnaires were distributed to the panel of selected experts who were derived from the Ministry of Public Works, National Development Planning Agency, universities and the Construction Services Development Board. The survey aimed to identify the stakeholders’ understandings of the concept of the DB project delivery system, barriers to implementing the system and factors that can promote the system.
It is found that the road
infrastructure project stakeholders in Indonesia have a good understanding of
the concept and advantages of the DB project delivery system. Several barriers
to the implementation of the DB system were also identified. These barriers are
related to regulations, client’s capabilities, other stakeholders’ capabilities,
and adaptability. To overcome the barriers and to promote the implementation of
the DB project delivery system, fourteen factors were identified. Those
fourteen factors form a six level framework for the implementation of the DB
project delivery system for road infrastructure development in Indonesia.
Legislative authority, on the first level, is the foundation for implementing
the DB project delivery system. This would be the basis for adjusting and
improving relevant regulations and processes, and establishing the relevant
agency’s management vision and support for adopting or implementing the system.
This is then followed by acceptance of change by the internal agency’s staff
and communication with the affected external parties. Training on the DB
project delivery system should be conducted with all the parties involved. Such
training can be expected to lead to a number of necessary developments
including the availability of adequately trained staff in the agency, the
support and acceptance of other stakeholders and industry providers, and
enhanced communication and knowledge sharing among the participants, which in
turn would facilitate a pilot project