25/06/2020 Views : 612
Bamboo is a local plant that is easily obtained in Bali. Since ancient times the Balinese have been familiar with products from bamboo. In Bali, bamboo is widely used from household furniture to ceremonial facilities, even for building materials. For building materials, bamboo prices are relatively cheaper than other materials. Bamboo has a very fast growth. Bamboo can be harvested every 3-5 years, while wood can be harvested after the age of 30-50 years. Bamboo production is much faster than wood. Another advantage of bamboo is that, after being harvested, it can grow again without the need for replanting. Bamboo has the disadvantage of its short lifetime. For bamboo as building materials that is not protected from the weather, it can be used for 10-15 years. To prolong the use of bamboo, preservation can be done. Preservation is traditionally done by soaking in water. Modern bamboo preservation is one of them by using a boucherie machine. In a Boucherie machine, 5% boron liquid is added with a pressure of 4 bar. Bamboo is currently still widely used for building materials in traditional houses in the villages of Bali Aga. Bali aga village is a village whose inhabitants are called the Bali mula, namely Balinese people who had lived in Bali before the Majapahit people came to Bali. Bali aga villages are generally located in the mountains, in the districts of Karang Asem, Bangli, and Buleleng. Pedawa Village is a Bali aga village in the Regency of Buleleng. Pedawa Village traditional houses are mostly made of bamboo. A Pedawa traditional house consists of Bandung rangki or Sri dandan, Jineng, and Kemulan. Bandung rangki and Sri dandan are buildings with function as bedroom and kitchens. Jineng is a building to store crops, especially gaga paddy. Kemulan is a sacred building. Most of the part of Bandung rangki are made of bamboo, except for the door and part of the roof truss construction. The foundation of the building uses sandstone. The floor of the building is made of mud. The walls of the building are made of woven bamboo (bedeg). The roof of the building uses bamboo shingles.
use of woven bamboo on the walls of buildings provides comfort in the room.
Small cracks in the woven bamboo cause air flow evenly in the room. Natural
color and woven bamboo motifs give the impression of a cool and beautiful.
Woven bamboo motifs vary depending on its function. Woven bamboo consists of
several types, namely: bedeg blimbingan, bedeg kenyiri, and bedeg cacahan.
Bedeg blimbingan has the largest cavities.
The use of bamboo shingles on the roof inhibits solar heat radiation, so the room stays cool during the day. Bamboo shingles are made from bamboo slats arranged and attached to a bamboo roof truss. In addition to providing coolness, it also displays the natural atmosphere and beautiful appearance.
In addition to use in traditional
houses, the use of bamboo material, of course, can be used in contemporary
houses. The use of bamboo material can also be an alternative for resort villa
buildings, for those of you who have limited costs. Bamboo turns out to be an
alternative for materials to make homes that are economical, comfortable and