Treatment of municipal waste and medical waste in Bali for ready-mix concrete factory wastewater treatment
31/07/2021 Views : 420
Yenni Ciawi
Garbage is an urban problem worldwide. Developed countries use modern incinerators to process their waste. In Indonesia, the first modern incinerator was just inaugurated by President Jokowi in Surabaya in May 2021. Waste processing in Bali is almost the same as in other areas in Indonesia, there is still open dumping practice in TPA without any sorting, although the sanitary landfill TPA model has also been carried out. in TOSS Klungkung, and composting and independent waste banks in several villages in Bali such as the Waste Bank in Tegal Village in Ubud and the Garbage Bank in Gianyar which already use digital applications in their management.
In several places in Indonesia, there is already an integration of municipal waste processing with a cement plant. The municipal waste used can be mixed or separated but with certain calorific value requirements and a burn test. Bali does not have a cement factory, but Bali has many ready mix concrete factories. The liquid waste from this factory has a very high pH and if it is disposed of without proper treatment, this waste will damage the surrounding ecosystem. Logically, the treatment of urban waste and certain medical waste (with or without autoclaving) can be combined with a powerplant and ready-mix concrete WWTPs so that there are many domino solutions: waste is destroyed by heat treatment, the exhaust gas can be used to neutralize liquid waste from ready-mix concrete plants to produce clean water for process water or plant utilities and the concrete content can be returned to the process, meanwhile the heat of combustion can be used to generate electricity.