Architectural Design and Planning in reviving the Cultural Landscape and Enhancing the Economic Competitiveness of Mountainous Regions

23/06/2020 Views : 426


Structure of Bali's mountainous regions, particularly the middle parts of Bali, is generally targeted as areas with primary conservation and integrated agriculture functions. This mountainous region is a unified cultural landscape, integrated into cultural activities, economic activities and agricultural activities. As a result, this area is intended as an area for the protection and conservation of protected forest areas and the development of community forests as a buffer zone for protected forests, geared towards environmental sustainability, while at the same time reviving cultural activities related to lost agricultural activities. In order to support this activity, it is necessary to control the use of space in rainwater catchment areas and water catchment areas, revive agricultural cultural activities and integrated agricultural development-oriented agribusiness systems, including the provision of production infrastructure, product processing, marketing and financial support, advice and research. In addition, there is a need to develop a competent, efficient and competitive farmer economic business institution, supported by adequate facilities and infrastructure, as well as the development of agro-tourism and eco-tourism-based tourism regions.

Bali's mountainous regions have potential agricultural commodities. Some agricultural commodities and agricultural culture can be used as superior commodities. The yields of agricultural commodities are more dominantly traded in fresh products and have not yet sought optimal packaging and post-harvest production. Various integrated development efforts in agricultural areas are needed to increase the value of these commodities, consisting of complete production activities accompanying cultural activities, developing packaging, and creating or producing processed materials from agricultural products. In this area, farmers' training activities and marketing efforts are also needed. In this case, integrating agricultural activities is aimed at providing local community income. In addition, the optimization of agricultural activities from upstream to downstream can also be improved by combining with tourism activities, both natural tourism and agricultural education tourism, so that efforts to improve the standard of living of farmers by maintaining the area as an agricultural and conservation area can be maintained. This integrated area development model can be in the form of an agro techno park that has been developed in several regions in Indonesia.

If architectural planning exists, the development of agro-techno park can be realized faster. In this planning, a mature area can accommodate a variety of integrated and efficient activities where production, packaging, and marketing activities of agricultural, educational and recreational products are integrated. In this integrated planning, the facility optimizes existing regions' potential for growth and development of areas aimed at reviving the region's cultural landscape, community-based development, and sustainable development.

According to Ristekdikti Minister, Prof. H. Muhammad Nasir, Ph.D., Ak. (2018), ATP's three main pillars are: 1) Education and innovation; 2) Agrotechnology; 3) Facilities and Information. So, basically, ATP's development will refer to development pillars. The growth pillar should be connected to the development scenario, so Agro Techno Park's development vision is agro-knowledge, agro-entrepreneurship, cultural agro-activities, bio-agro-industry, agro-tourism and agro-networking. Based on this vision, regional themes that can be developed in mountainous regions of Bali reinvigorate cultural landscape to integrate sustainable development farming centers.

The development of the region is based on the concept of the tri hita karana principle, by paying attention to the harmonious relationship between humans, nature, and God, which is implemented in the relationship between the region and the surrounding area, the relationship between segments, environmental conditions, community factors and beliefs. The utilization of space in the ATP area is fixed as a coffee plantation with several new functions.  Meanwhile, the function of the area around the ATP remains as a place for the daily activities of its citizens. These areas are utilized as the plantation area, tracking or cycling locations. Through a collaboration system between ATP and the community, the new function can help the regions develop more optimally, benefit the community, and reinvigorate the cultural landscape of the region that has lived for generations.

As an effort to control physical development at the site, several concepts that need to be applied include: setting the ratio of the building base coefficient and the efficiency of the building area as an effort to minimize the building floor area, to strengthen the impression of the agricultural area and maintain the natural beauty of the area. Besides that, maintaining local wisdom is related to the rules of development that are adjusted to awig-awig and holy areas. Furthermore, efforts to improve the natural condition of the area are to maintain existing trees and objects that have a certain value to the area as well as by structuring and selecting plants to be planted locally. In this case, minimizing land engineering (cut and fill), and maintaining the topography of the land as original as possible is to keep the environment still natural.

In terms of the concept of building development, the buildings apply the Balinese architecture, including their form, appearance, and material. This concept is following the rules that have been stated in local regulations on buildings in Bali. In this case, the building's layout is spread out based on the macro zone group, according to the interrelation of its function. Along with efforts to minimize changes in the topography of the area, the concept of building structure minimizes physical engineering on the site. It is recommended to stand using the suspended structure.